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Poor little maise has been attacked


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my son has just come rushing in with Maisie

an English bull attacked her witch surprised me

because these dogs are not usually aggressive

they guy that owned in went into panic mode

when he saw my son with his dog

& in panic he let it go & it made a beeline for Maisie

& grabbed her leg & face my son kicked the dog to make

it let go & the guy had a go at him

he did have another English bull that he ended up letting

go but my son wasn't sure ware it went luckily that one

didn't go for her

he obviously knew it wasn't very good with other dogs so why

wasn't it muzzled when he knew what it was capable of

Maisie is in shock at the moment i have wrapped her up warm

& have checked her wounds luckily enough its not done that

much damage it didn't manage to lock on

i dread to think what it would have done if it did Maisie is only

a little dog & very timid this is just going to make her worse

ive kept my dogs out of her way so not to stress her out :(

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Hope she's OK Fabcakes :D but don't blame the other dog. 9 times out of 10 it's the owner after all we're supposed to be more intelligent but I sometimes wonder. Haven't seen you on here for a while


i don't blame the dog one bit by the sounds of it

i don't think it had been socialized because my son

said as soon as saw Maisie it went mental

witch isn't like English bulls

i'm past blaming other peoples dogs

the guy that had the dogs was a definite tit

he was very unconcerned about Maisie being attacked :(



if its in any of the parks in highgreen ,i am not surprised ,i never go in with my dogs ,i dont feel safe ,there are loads of idiots roaming around highgreen with dogs of there leads and out of control ,hope your sons dog is ok ,give it lots of cuddles .



no it was when he was walking on the street with her

but i know what you mean some real spanners there

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Aww poor Maisie, hope she's coming round from it now. Our first dobe Ailsa kept coming off worst when she was attacked by other (usually bull breed) dogs, money we ad to spend on vet treatment and she was a dobermann. I see people struggling to handle dogs of all shPes and sizes and wonder how they think they can manage.

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fabcakes tell your son to be carefull now there are lots of mastiffs in highgreen seems there the in thing just now,and there not on leads ,hope dogs ok .



thank you strider i will tell him

why is it people can't just have these dogs because

they just love the breed ?

so many are having them to look good etc mastiff are lovey dogs

a friend of mine used to own one & he was a lovely dog as daft as

a brush & had a thing for hot dog sausages :hihi:

an update on Maisie she has been to the vet they guy who's

dog attacked maisie was asking round the estate for my son

so he could pay for Maisie's vet bill :o:o i must admit that's a 1st

for me but he did lie about letting go of the lead

he told my son that the lead snapped

but an eye witness saw what happened & the man with the dog

DIDDENT have it on the lead at all

but Maisie is fine & has been playing with my lot today i have taken pics

of her she has decided she hates tony now because he bandaged her

leg when my son 1st brought her home :hihi:

i had a newsletter from guide dogs & their was an article in it saying

that guide dog attacks are on the increase i find it very worrying

wouldn't it be great if we didn't have aggressive dogs at all

& all dog owners train their dogs properly & how to behave & whats

good & whats bad oh well keep dreaming

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fabcakes tell your son to be carefull now there are lots of mastiffs in highgreen seems there the in thing just now,and there not on leads ,hope dogs ok .


Mastiffs are not usually vicious by nature it is unusual for them, but of course bad ownership sometimes causes problems.


Our mastiff is such a softie and prefers sleeping to anything else! Unfortunately she was owned originally by some idiot who had her for a breeding machine and treated her badly.

For some reason people seem to think they are vicious dogs I am not sure where this idea has come from.

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Mastiffs are not usually vicious by nature it is unusual for them, but of course bad ownership sometimes causes problems.


Our mastiff is such a softie and prefers sleeping to anything else! Unfortunately she was owned originally by some idiot who had her for a breeding machine and treated her badly.

For some reason people seem to think they are vicious dogs I am not sure where this idea has come from.


Every Mastiff I have ever met has been an absolute darling. Mastiffs and Rotties, my favourites. Beautiful dogs :love:

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