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The Office - which character are you?


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I am Simon the IT nerd


“Now I’m gonna switch it off, when it comes back on it’ll ask you to hit yes, no or cancel. Hit cancel. Do not hit yes or no.”




Of course, maybe you slipped when choosing the answers, maybe the page didn’t load properly?


Yeah right.


We both know the truth, and why lie to yourself, as well as others, about who you are? Not that are likely to be many others in your life, and no, people on the internet can’t count as real friends. They just as sad and lonely as you.




Kill yourself. Soon.





The worst thing is people see me as the 'go to' guy when they have IT problems and I have an interview Tuesday for a job telling people how to get the most from the database we use - I really am Simon the IT guy - better get my name changed by deed poll if i get the job :P

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I put myself down as male, but I still got...


Lovely Dawn


“I don’t want to spend my life answering phones in some crappy sub-branch paper merchants.”


Lovely, as they do indeed say, Dawn. Looks like you’re a kind, warm, if not quite motivated enough person to really get what you want in life.


But don’t take this too seriously, which of course you don’t do with anything in your life, which is why it’s continually not quite working out is it? Sure, not many people aspire to mediocrity, but you should be quite happy with that you’ve got, because anything else is just a dream away. In the sense that dreams are flights of fancy, fantastic journeys that have no place in this harsh, cold real world in which we live.


At least your likeable though, which is better than acheivement really isn’t it?




Hard to tell. One lucky break, that’s all you need.

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David Brent


Smug, untalented, unliked, overweight, dishonest to others and yourself, not exactly good looking and above all else unstoppably annoying, and fairly lazy. I’m hoping, just hoping that you tried to choose the answers that would result in getting Brent up. If so, well done, you’ve succeeded.




:thumbsup: spot on kool

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