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Should i inform the police ??

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My opinion still stands.


Even if she was 14.5,15,16, or 37.. the groups leaders should be accountable to a degree for managing the groups conduct.


and then people wonder why there is such a reluctance among adults to get involved in volunteering.


in the case of the OP - she needs to discuss it with the unit leaders and if necessary with the district ES team.


perhaps someone who has access to an up to date POR can reference us the rules regarding sleeping accom .

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Of course if you wish to split hairs over semantics, feel free. But the age difference between 14 and 18 - one is a young adult, the other a child. A young adult male has his hormones driving his intentions, let's not be shy now!

You've changed 17 to 18 now, any particular reason to be exaggerating?


Statutory rape is when an adult has sex with a person under the age of consent - 16 years old.

No, I already explained what statutory rape is.


Even if a person under the age of 16 years old has agreed to have sex with someone older, the adult has still committed a criminal offence/statutory rape occurs when the victim is under the legal age of consent even if the intercourse is consensual.


The use of the term 'unlawful intercourse' as opposed to 'statutory rape' would have to be decided by the police at al in such an event as the deciding factor would be determined by the degree of informed consent by the victim at the time. As this is a hypothetical situation being 'discussed', here there is no definitive answer.

No, that would be the offence, if sex had taken place, which it didn't. You were the one who introduced an offence that couldn't possibly have taken place.

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No actual crime has been committed (yet....) as far as we know though has it? As far as I can tell from Zanna it was kissing etc.


This is so difficult to assess without knowing the two young people concerned. There's a MASSIVE range of possibilities, and the OP is the only one on here who knows his daughter. I'd be really interested to know how conversations have progressed after reading these posts together.


The 17 year old lad could be quite innocent, larking around, having some saucy fun. The 14 year old girl could be in the same frame of mind.




The 17 year old could be quite predetory, knowing that he has a fairly good chance of coercing a naive 14 year old into canoodling ........and more. We don't know, he might make a habit of this.


From what Zanna says, his daughter sounds like she isn't now too comfortable with what went on. Maybe she felt pressured into doing stuff that others do, but she isn't ready for?


I don't think it's a matter for the police. Whether or not you take this up with the leaders is a matter for discussion between yourselves - as has been said, making a big song and dance could be counterproductive. You are doing the right thing talking this through with your daughter.


I remember from my school days the kind of 17 year old boys who went out with younger lasses. They were pretty pathetic if you look back on it, howerer, they were able to 'impress' younger, impressionable girls into going out with them. I know one thing for sure, it's never the boys who are left holding the babies.

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