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Should i inform the police ??

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Just read this, this is a safeguarding issue and needs bringing to the attention of the senior person in charge. As a parent YOU have a duty of care. This is clearly an incident that needs to be investigated. I would withdraw my child from the group as a precaution as it is unacceptable that boys and girls should be in the same sleeping area at all without supervision. Failure to take action by the Explorers could lead to a social services report where the police could take action. I would make this group identifiable as a precaution.


FANTASTIC reply, thoughtful and a damn sight more educated than certain people.......

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Of course if you wish to split hairs over semantics, feel free. But the age difference between 14 and 18 - one is a young adult, the other a child. A young adult male has his hormones driving his intentions, let's not be shy now!


Statutory rape is when an adult has sex with a person under the age of consent - 16 years old.


Even if a person under the age of 16 years old has agreed to have sex with someone older, the adult has still committed a criminal offence/statutory rape occurs when the victim is under the legal age of consent even if the intercourse is consensual.


The use of the term 'unlawful intercourse' as opposed to 'statutory rape' would have to be decided by the police at al in such an event as the deciding factor would be determined by the degree of informed consent by the victim at the time. As this is a hypothetical situation being 'discussed', here there is no definitive answer.




Henrietta.... you make me smile. you wipe the floor with the counter arguments!!!

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if this is a proper organization which ive never heard of. then tell the organizers what happened and lodge a complaint, your daughter sounds a sensable lass and nothing went off, but soulds like the lad wanted it to go further he may have broken the law by sleeping with your daughter but if nothing went off then theres not alot you can do. but report the organizers and ask why they were un supervised, i think all you can do is to stop her going any more and tell the oranizeation you are going to report it to the police, also tell her teachers and head master and if they have a pastoral care teacher ask him/her hope this may help

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if this is a proper organization which ive never heard of. then tell the organizers what happened and lodge a complaint, your daughter sounds a sensable lass and nothing went off, but soulds like the lad wanted it to go further he may have broken the law by sleeping with your daughter but if nothing went off then theres not alot you can do. but report the organizers and ask why they were un supervised, i think all you can do is to stop her going any more and tell the oranizeation you are going to report it to the police, also tell her teachers and head master and if they have a pastoral care teacher ask him/her hope this may help


another logical, worthwhile response. thank god!!!

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Yes, you are over reacting.


Lets be honest here (although it will upset the hand wringers) 17 years old is hardly 'Dirty old man' territory, 17 is barely 'adult' and i doubt he can even shave yet. As a father of a daughter myself, i share your concerns but you are suggesting legal action against what can only be described as a 'boy' and by the sounds of it, your daughter was consenting in her part. I appreciate you think this 'man' is too old for your daughter but when he is 75, your daughter will be 72.. is that too much of an age gap?


Personally, i would invite the lad over 'For tea' as your daughters 'guest' and take the opportunity to get to know the boy a bit, voice your concerns and lay down some ground rules. I would however inform the explorers 'leaders' that this incident has happened and suggest better supervision of their groups in future.


I agree with the above and many explorer expeditions take place without adult supervision because they are deemed old enough to organise them for themselves. Your daughter would have been made aware if there was no adult supervision, but even if there was supervision, you cannot expect the adult to stay awake all night guarding tents and making sure the teens don’t stray. At 14 my daughter was old enough to make her own decisions and mistakes and I trusted the decisions she made. If your daughter wants to sleep with a seventeen year old there is little you can do to stop her, how do you think she is going to feel if you destroy the life of a young man she clearly likes. :)

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I agree with the above and many explorer expeditions take place without adult supervision because they are deemed old enough to organise them for themselves. Your daughter would have been made aware if there was no adult supervision, but even if there was supervision, you cannot expect the adult to stay awake all night guarding tents and making sure the teens don’t stray. At 14 my daughter was old enough to make her own decisions and mistakes and I trusted the decisions she made. If your daughter wants to sleep with a seventeen year old there is little you can do to stop her, how do you think she is going to feel if you destroy the life of a young man she clearly likes. :)


If your 14 year old daughter was sleeping with a 17 year old how would you feel? Would it be acceptable?

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