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Should i inform the police ??

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Yes, you are over reacting.


Lets be honest here (although it will upset the hand wringers) 17 years old is hardly 'Dirty old man' territory, 17 is barely 'adult' and i doubt he can even shave yet. As a father of a daughter myself, i share your concerns but you are suggesting legal action against what can only be described as a 'boy' and by the sounds of it, your daughter was consenting in her part. I appreciate you think this 'man' is too old for your daughter but when he is 75, your daughter will be 72.. is that too much of an age gap?


Personally, i would invite the lad over 'For tea' as your daughters 'guest' and take the opportunity to get to know the boy a bit, voice your concerns and lay down some ground rules. I would however inform the explorers 'leaders' that this incident has happened and suggest better supervision of their groups in future.


Common sense prevails.


To me, this seems like little more than teenagers being teenagers. It doesn't seem at all out of place or really that odd. Plenty of that sort of stuff went on on our school trips and sleepovers.

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how over the top, I was not going to comment but to see some 1 else go through what I did at 17 would not be nice.


I slept with a 14 year old girl when I was 17, 1st time I had met her through some friends, She told me she was 16. To skip the details she was pushing for it more than I was and we finished up going the whole way.


A week or so later her dad found out, who then threatened to kill me... he followed that up by reporting me to the police. I will stress the coppers were very understanding on my part and nothing ever got done about it other than them having a word with me.


What was massively unfair was the fact she had told me she was older and was by nature a slag (found out after shed been around). Her parents should have got a grip on the fact their daughter was a little slut and had a word with her rather than assuming I was into F******* 14 year olds.


If your the kind of person who thinks something like this should be reported to the police, then good luck getting any where on an emotional level with your kids in the future as they will trust about as far as they can throw you.

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If this was my daughter i would want a quiet word with the group leader in charge of the group,in regards to what they deem to be appropriate behaviour between the girls and the boys while on these trips .She could easily have come back pregnant then all hell would break loose.

I would not involve the police though.


Why is the blame on the 'group leader'? Why in this day and age the need to absolve all responsibility of parenting children? Behaviour for both these children and how they behave when away from home lay at their parents doorstep.

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Under age for what? Last think I knew you can kiss at any age


I know you can kiss at any age but if you read the op he was asking her to perform a lap dance which in my opinion makes it more than just a kiss scenario, what if the girl agreed to the dance or felt pressurised into doing it, what would he have asked for next?

When you send kids to a scheme/group you don't expect supervision to be lax enough to allow this kind of behaviour.

To those saying there is nowt wrong with this, this is the type of attitude that leads to teenage pregnancy and young mums etc.

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