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Fuel prices MEGATHREAD

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Nice one Hilary! Got the petrolheads in a froth - ha!


You dont have to drive to see how ridiculous this statement was. It just shows how out of touch politicians are with what issues are affecting peoples everyday lives. Yeah it would be great for the polar bears if people walked to work everyday and wore hemp, but for the majority of people that isnt practicle, and the last thing they need to be told right now (regardless of whether they drive) is that high fuel costs are a good thing.


And dont forget, it will be costing supermarkets et al extra to ship their products in. So that means more expense for ALL OF US on our bills, petrolheads or not.

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Take a look at what hes said recently.




You should be glad that car tax is going up, pleased at the high fuel prices. After all if we want to save the environment sacrifices must be made


Don't forget the Telegraph is a Tory paper.


We are only reading what they say he said as opposed to what he really said. It is a reckless person indeed who believes what they read in newspapers...especially Tory newspapers.



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Don't forget the Telegraph is a Tory paper.


We are only reading what they say he said as opposed to what he really said. It is a reckless person indeed who believes what they read in newspapers...especially Tory newspapers.




Also reported in the BBC, and the Daily Mirror

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It's intriguing that the motorists on this thread have chosen to make abusive comments about Hilary Benn rather than explain why they disagree with his argument.


From my viewpoint, I think he's quite correct. We all agree that we as a society use too much fuel and that there are too many cars on the road. Most motorists are either too lazy or selfish to change their habits, so if rising petrol prices force them to stop making unnecessary journeys, that can only be a good thing.

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It's intriguing that the motorists on this thread have chosen to make abusive comments about Hilary Benn rather than explain why they disagree with his argument.


From my viewpoint, I think he's quite correct. We all agree that we as a society use too much fuel and that there are too many cars on the road. Most motorists are either too lazy or selfish to change their habits, so if rising petrol prices force them to stop making unnecessary journeys, that can only be a good thing.




I once had an argument with my bro-in-law who lives in a "nice" country village in the Cotswolds. He thought the tax on fuel was a scandal for people in the countryside, fuel prices were too high, and it was killing the villagers.


I then delivered my checkmate argument as follows:


"The cost of fuel is killing the village? Look around, you and my sis are the only 2 that actually live in the village. Everybody else works in London, you only see them at the weekend. The pub has shut, the newsagent has shut, the bakers/grocers has shut, and the butchers has shut. The school only survives because the 2 schools 15 & 20 miles away have shut, and those parents drop them off in their Chelsea taxis. The local farmer ceased being a farmer years ago. The residents can afford not to live here, and the local businesses can't compete with Tesco flying in the produce from 1000's miles away. Fuel is too cheap!"



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It's intriguing that the motorists on this thread have chosen to make abusive comments about Hilary Benn rather than explain why they disagree with his argument.


From my viewpoint, I think he's quite correct. We all agree that we as a society use too much fuel and that there are too many cars on the road. Most motorists are either too lazy or selfish to change their habits, so if rising petrol prices force them to stop making unnecessary journeys, that can only be a good thing.


I'm glad I read past all the 'String him up nonsense' to find this. I'm totally in accord with you here.


Rising costs are hard to bear, yes. But we don't have an absolute right to stupidly low priced goods. If we're all going to have to tighten our belts, make savings and not buy the new plasma TV that we've had our eye on for the last year, so be it. It's not like any of us are living on less than a dollar a day now, is it?

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