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Fuel prices MEGATHREAD

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Yes, my god, i was so shocked, never thought i would see it.:o


Did note that it was the supermarkets that had put the price down though, the gov haven't reduced the amount of tax they are getting have they?


Don't know if this is going to help all those firms that are being crippled by rising fuel prices, thus adding to the cost of the goods they transport.


Maybe we should all have a go at being old fashioned and only buying British.

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It's simple really - the Oil Price back in August '07 is similar to what it is now; $73-74 dollars a barrel. Back then fuel was hovering around 90 - 95p. SO campaign wherever you can for the forecourts to release lower prices and for the Utilities firms to drop their prices back. This current Oil price has been like this for the last two weeks now!!!

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Well there you go, that just proves me point.


Sure other costs have gone up, but when you say freight - the biggest cost behind that is... Oil!!! As for demand - it is reduced - hence why the Oil per barrel price is low because the market isn't demanding it. It's the profiteering Oil companies not passing on the savings.


Roll on another 3p+

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The price of Brent crude has dropped again today; down to $61 at one point.


OPEC must be pretty worried now that market forces are beginning to drive the price down to a sensible level, and the commodities traders move away from oil to make a quick buck elsewhere.


I hope the weather's good next week, as I'm off all week and I can actually go out and drive just for the joy of it.

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