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Fuel prices MEGATHREAD

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Oil is at about $67 a barrel compared to the peak in July of $147 a barrel.


The price of oil has decreased by over 55% while prices at the pump have decreased by about 12%!


Then you have to consider how utility prices are linked to oil prices and used as the justification for raising prices considerably this year and last year. They show no sign of going down at all!


in comparison E.on the huge French government owned utility provider is not allowed to levy huge price rises to the French people, but our government allow them to do what ever they like to the British people!


No wonder 80% of the population would leave the UK if they could! We are being royally screwed by just about everyone!

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it was in the whitby gazette today


prices round the scarborough area have dropped below the £1 mark but it says rural areas around whitby still cannot afford to

which is still around the 105/107 mark a litre and 117 for diesal

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A cartel is by it's very nature a monopoly in effect - and in any other instance, illegal.


Unfortunately OPEC can try and have their merry way but I don't see this dramatically increasing the price of Oil. The fact of the matter is, as per my original post, Petrol pump prices still need to be a good few pence a litre lower than they are. That's working on $70 a barrel too, and it's current WTI price is $63.96. Roll on more price drops.

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i dont think its just the oil companys fault though. Look at how much the goverment is charging tax on petrol (Forgot what it is ATM so apologies). To the OP - i agree, needs to come down, especially compared with the price of petrol in the states

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You keep using the word 'Need' - can you explain what you mean by that please?


Do you mean it 'needs' to come down, just because people want it to?


Or what other 'need' is there?


I'm just curious, I mean, I could say that the price of corned beef 'needs' to come down, just because it would suit me if it did, but it wouldn't be a very rational argument if I put it forward to Corned Beef suppliers.

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