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Fuel prices MEGATHREAD

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Sadly, most of us are held to ransom by higher fuel prices. If you commute to work, then you have little choice but to dig deeper into your wallet.


I'd love a job at the end of my road, sadly this is unlikely to happen. Sooner or later I won't be able to afford to get to work.


Before some bright spark suggets the train - have you seen the price of train fares?

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we will do exactly what we do about every other greivence.........which is Bugger all............thats why were on the state were in.


We need to take a look at how the French deal with this sort of legal robbery ,and take a leaf out of their book .


They would never stand for this . they would be blocking ports, roads, airports with burning blockades.

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It doesn't just cost you more to run a car. You don't think the increased costs of transportation/delivery of goods will be passed on to the consumer? :roll:


i been wise with my money and such a low amount doesnt worry me! i will enjoy the clearer roads

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LOL well no one listened 5 years ago when I sprouted off about Peak Oil, well this is the stage known as the rear view mirror, it looks more and more like 2008 was the year of peak oil, why? Because it hit an high then this caused the world wide economy problems, then it fell and has since bounced back rather quickly, exppect this up and down rollercoaster now until the final implosion of world war, famine, disease, death and basically a return to the dark ages before hopefully moving to a sustainble middle ages lifestyle so long as the planet hasn't been destroyed with Nuclear fallout etc. Of course none of us will survive at best there will be no more 10,000 people left on the planet as that's about maximum capacity without Oil, Gas etc. it's going to get pretty fun from here on in. I still recon late 2012 will see the first massive economic crash and the start of a very quick ending what we've become accustomed us.


Why has it happend so quickly mainly because of the do gooders and the greedy corporations who waanted to globalize the planet. Now like someone says China and Indian want their piece of the cake but they joined at the end of the party but they are certainly going to end the party quickly.


Electric Cars I hear, do the maths and you'll suddenly realise they are an impossible dream. Bio - Fuels I hear, we are currently in a dangerous situation with food supplies because of current bio fuel useage, how many more people will go hungry without rioting in order for the well off to keep driving?

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