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Fuel prices MEGATHREAD

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LOL well no one listened 5 years ago when I sprouted off about Peak Oil, well this is the stage known as the rear view mirror, it looks more and more like 2008 was the year of peak oil, why? Because it hit an high then this caused the world wide economy problems, then it fell and has since bounced back rather quickly, exppect this up and down rollercoaster now until the final implosion of world war, famine, disease, death and basically a return to the dark ages before hopefully moving to a sustainble middle ages lifestyle so long as the planet hasn't been destroyed with Nuclear fallout etc. Of course none of us will survive at best there will be no more 10,000 people left on the planet as that's about maximum capacity without Oil, Gas etc. it's going to get pretty fun from here on in. I still recon late 2012 will see the first massive economic crash and the start of a very quick ending what we've become accustomed us.


Why has it happend so quickly mainly because of the do gooders and the greedy corporations who waanted to globalize the planet. Now like someone says China and Indian want their piece of the cake but they joined at the end of the party but they are certainly going to end the party quickly.


Electric Cars I hear, do the maths and you'll suddenly realise they are an impossible dream. Bio - Fuels I hear, we are currently in a dangerous situation with food supplies because of current bio fuel useage, how many more people will go hungry without rioting in order for the well off to keep driving?


The world will be a better place when all the dumb lazy people die and we are left with the elite and people who think ahead instead of living day to day

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Ask your local farmer/haulier why he's not protesting now like he was a couple of years ago


because if they blockade anything, in particular refineries, they will be arrested under the anti terrorist laws.....typical:roll:

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You are not force to buy it, you will not died if you dont, its not like essentrial like food or water

You will die if the emergency services can't get to you in a life and death situation because the local authority can't afford the fuel.

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buy a small diesel that does 50mpg+


Or run your Diesel vehicle on Red Diesel , which , believe it or not is quite freely available .;)


Ok, a little naughty , but it IS one of the options we have in making a stand against the constant hammering we motorists get from Governments .

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Or run your Diesel vehicle on Red Diesel , which , believe it or not is quite freely available .;)


Ok, a little naughty , but it IS one of the options we have in making a stand against the constant hammering we motorists get from Governments .


i though that will be too much info for the dumb people on here, did you know you can get a dye to change the diesel back to clear

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You will die if the emergency services can't get to you in a life and death situation because the local authority can't afford the fuel.


They just cut the dole money so the dumb can die and keep essentrial services for people who works and willing to pay for things in life

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LOL well no one listened 5 years ago when I sprouted off about Peak Oil, well this is the stage known as the rear view mirror, it looks more and more like 2008 was the year of peak oil, why? Because it hit an high then this caused the world wide economy problems, then it fell and has since bounced back rather quickly, exppect this up and down rollercoaster now until the final implosion of world war, famine, disease, death and basically a return to the dark ages before hopefully moving to a sustainble middle ages lifestyle so long as the planet hasn't been destroyed with Nuclear fallout etc. Of course none of us will survive at best there will be no more 10,000 people left on the planet as that's about maximum capacity without Oil, Gas etc. it's going to get pretty fun from here on in. I still recon late 2012 will see the first massive economic crash and the start of a very quick ending what we've become accustomed us.


Why has it happend so quickly mainly because of the do gooders and the greedy corporations who waanted to globalize the planet. Now like someone says China and Indian want their piece of the cake but they joined at the end of the party but they are certainly going to end the party quickly.


Electric Cars I hear, do the maths and you'll suddenly realise they are an impossible dream. Bio - Fuels I hear, we are currently in a dangerous situation with food supplies because of current bio fuel useage, how many more people will go hungry without rioting in order for the well off to keep driving?



First bold - I'd like to see your reasoning behind this!!


Second bold - there are 4 or so big car firms bringing electric cars to the market in the next year - why is this a pipe dream? Fair enough they aren't much good for travelling up and down the country but as battery technology develops (which it is doing, very quickly) this can only improve.


I think renewable and alternative methods of providing fuel and electricity are coming on (could be quicker) but in the next 10 years I think the choice between a petrol fired car and an electric one will not be the same choice it is today.

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