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Fuel prices MEGATHREAD

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You could always run your car on coal, I suppose. (You'd only need a few minor modifications and there's no shortage of unemployed graduates to do them for you.)


I understand there's plenty of coal in Yorkshire.


A steam car like you say, or if not, a horse.


Sick of cutting your garden every week in the Summer, on your only day off?


Get a horse, it keep the garden grass down for you and save you 000s of £s in fuel and insurance!

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A steam car like you say, or if not, a horse.


Steam is one possibility -as is a gas trubine running on powdered coal (The National Gas Turbine Establishment was looking into those in the late 60's)


You can also make a petrol substitute from coal (Fischer–Tropsch process, which can also be used to make synfuel from biomass.) (I read somewhere that people are looking at that and at direct coal liquefaction as means of providing clean fuel for power stations. There is plenty of coal and as the price of other fuels increases, perhaps people will remember that it's there.


At which point, you can say good bye to Robin Hood Airport ... Apparently there's a huge coal seam just under the runway.

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Yes, a very misguided one, that everyone else is dumb (despite your own terrible spelling and grammar) and that you're king of the road.



Why reply if you got no constructive reply and only do personal attacks? i am not as childish or dumb as you and will not be drag down to your level :loopy:

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Why reply if you got no constructive reply and only do personal attacks? i am not as childish or dumb as you and will not be drag down to your level :loopy:


You were the one calling everyone dumb. If you can't take it, don't dish it out.


And your constructive comment is what exactly? I'm alright Jack, sod the rest?

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