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Fuel prices MEGATHREAD

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You were the one calling everyone dumb. If you can't take it, don't dish it out.


And your constructive comment is what exactly? I'm alright Jack, sod the rest?


Its a nice day you should go out for a walk, you might be able to find a friend

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In response the rises, I changed my driving style, instead of 42 mpg, I now get over 55. Boring as hell though!!


I'm the same, before I was only getting about 20miles from a tenner, but now I've changed how I drive I'm getting about 60miles out of a tenner worth of diesel. I have a 1.9CTDi.


As you said driving has become boring though as I hate sloooooow

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You could always run your car on coal, I suppose. (You'd only need a few minor modifications and there's no shortage of unemployed graduates to do them for you.)


I understand there's plenty of coal in Yorkshire.


How about a treadmill powered by unemployed graduates and illegals waiting to be deported?

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You are not force to buy it, you will not died if you dont, its not like essentrial like food or water


actually, it is essential.


I am a consumer who uses her car, which uses petrol to get to the supermarket to buy my alcohol and ciggarettes.


If people like me didn't spend money on the big tx items, people like you (and all of us) would be paying more taxes elsewhere.

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You're not prepared to defend your selfish attitude to rising fuel costs then? Or was it just a flippant comment trying to make yourself look cool?


i agree with it, the higher the better £2.50 a litre will be good, lower class will use buses, i will have clearer roads to do what i need to do, it will make all the fatties a lot thinner when they have to walk to shop for beer and chips

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