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I'm well aware of all that. I was just trying highlight that the argument that cyclist don't contribute to the maintenance of the roads is manifestly false as council tax explicitly includes a proportion for that very purpose.


Exactly, I was agreeing with you.


I think we're on a hiding to nothing though, knuckle draggers who believe "road tax" exists don't listen to reason.

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Exactly, I was agreeing with you.


I think we're on a hiding to nothing though, knuckle draggers who believe "road tax" exists don't listen to reason.


So , can i assume ,seeing as you are in favour of the same rights for all road users , that you would be willing to conform to the same requirements as your fellow road users ?









shouldn`t be a problem if ,as you say you believe everybody should have the same rights on the roads.

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So , can i assume ,seeing as you are in favour of the same rights for all road users , that you would be willing to conform to the same requirements as your fellow road users ?









shouldn`t be a problem if ,as you say you believe everybody should have the same rights on the roads.


I said cyclists shouldn't have fewer rights.


I cdrtainly don't believe averyone has equal rights to the roads and neither does the law.


Cyclists are on the roads as a right.


Motorists are permitted on the roads subject to strict criteria- they must have a licence, MOT, tax and insurance.


Cyclists don't need any of those criteria to be met because they don't kill 3000 people every year.

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So , can i assume ,seeing as you are in favour of the same rights for all road users , that you would be willing to conform to the same requirements as your fellow road users ?









shouldn`t be a problem if ,as you say you believe everybody should have the same rights on the roads.


Insurance shouldn't be a problem. As I noted in a post elsewhere, most cyclists here are insured and those who are not insured can find themselves liable for some hefty penalties. People who hire bicycles here (most of the tourists hire locally rather than bringing bikes with them) have insurance included in the hire charge.


Many people in the UK are insured to ride bicycles through personal liability coverage included in household policies. A simple personal liability policy shouldn't be too difficult to devise and would savethe NHS some money, too. (Cyclists too could reimburse the NHS for treatment, just as motorists do.)


As for licence ... are you talking about a riding licence? Most children are taught to ride by their parents. If you wanted to introduce professional training and examination for cyclists, perhaps you'd like a law which required car drivers/motorcyclists to be taught by professional instructors? - As opposed to being taught by willing (but often incompetent) amateurs?


Perhaps there should be (at the minimum) a 'CBT' for cyclists?


MOT's. The police have, in the past, carried out bike safety inspections at schools. Perhaps bicycles should be subject to an annual safety test. - It might take some of the bikes without brakes, bells and lights off the road.

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I said cyclists shouldn't have fewer rights.


I cdrtainly don't believe averyone has equal rights to the roads and neither does the law.


Cyclists are on the roads as a right.


Motorists are permitted on the roads subject to strict criteria- they must have a licence, MOT, tax and insurance.


Cyclists don't need any of those criteria to be met because they don't kill 3000 people every year.


But they do kill and they do seriously injure.

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On average, half a person a year.


You are more likely to be killed by a bee or a golf ball than a cyclist, and in most cyclist/vehicle accidents it's the driver at fault.


Contributary factors.

Pedal cycle 10,596

Other vehicle 10,423

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On average, half a person a year.


You are more likely to be killed by a bee or a golf ball than a cyclist, and in most cyclist/vehicle accidents it's the driver at fault.


Contributary factors.

Pedal cycle 10,596

Other vehicle 10,423


No idea where you got that from, here's the stats:


With adult cyclists, police found the driver solely responsible in about 60%-75% of all cases, and riders solely at fault 17%-25% of the time.






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No idea where you got that from, here's the stats:


With adult cyclists, police found the driver solely responsible in about 60%-75% of all cases, and riders solely at fault 17%-25% of the time.







because there are vastly less cyclists on the roads than motor vehicles , its obvious cyclists will have less fatal crashes.


simple maths .


Still dosnt make it right cyclists can freeload does it .


If cyclists want the same rights as drivers on the roads - pay the same as drivers to have access to the roads.- insurance , licence , mot etc.

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because there are vastly less cyclists on the roads than motor vehicles , its obvious cyclists will have less fatal crashes.


simple maths .


Still dosnt make it right cyclists can freeload does it .


If cyclists want the same rights as drivers on the roads - pay the same as drivers to have access to the roads.- insurance , licence , mot etc.


Fewer fatal crashes.


Fine, tell you what, lobby your MP to insist on compulsory insurance, MOTs and licences for cyclists. You won't get anywhere but at least it will stop you posting the same nonsense here over and over.


Don't you think if the government thought they could make money out of such a scheme they would have done so?

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