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Lets not try and depict cyclists as perfect angels on the roads. In fact from the number of cyclists I have seen jump red lights, ride on the pavement and generally ignore the rules of the road, if cars did this half as often, then the roads would be anarchy, or Paris.

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because there are vastly less cyclists on the roads than motor vehicles , its obvious cyclists will have less fatal crashes.


simple maths .


Still dosnt make it right cyclists can freeload does it .


If cyclists want the same rights as drivers on the roads - pay the same as drivers to have access to the roads.- insurance , licence , mot etc.


You are talking rubbish that has been addressed many times on this forum so please use the search function and dig up one of the threads about this subject instead of hijacking this thread for your rant.

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Lets not try and depict cyclists as perfect angels on the roads. In fact from the number of cyclists I have seen jump red lights, ride on the pavement and generally ignore the rules of the road, if cars did this half as often, then the roads would be anarchy, or Paris.


Contributory factors,

Cyclists entering road from pavement 1,000

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Found it, retep's copying and pasting from:




Contributory factors: Details of factors contributing to injury accidents are recorded by the police. Whilst it is not

possible to determine blame from these contributory factors they may offer some insight in common types of accident. An accident can have more than one contributory factor.

• Pedal cyclists were more likely to have no contributory factor 3 recorded than other vehicles involved in pedal cycle

accidents - 47 per cent compared with 35 per cent.

• Failed to look properly was the most commonly recorded factor for both pedal cyclists and other vehicles - assigned more often to vehicles other than the pedal cycle.



So retep's selectively quoting from a report that itself admits blame cannot be assigned.


That's rather naughty retep.

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Found it, retep's copying and pasting from:




Contributory factors: Details of factors contributing to injury accidents are recorded by the police. Whilst it is not

possible to determine blame from these contributory factors they may offer some insight in common types of accident. An accident can have more than one contributory factor.

• Pedal cyclists were more likely to have no contributory factor 3 recorded than other vehicles involved in pedal cycle

accidents - 47 per cent compared with 35 per cent.

• Failed to look properly was the most commonly recorded factor for both pedal cyclists and other vehicles - assigned more often to vehicles other than the pedal cycle.



So retep's selectively quoting from a report that itself admits blame cannot be assigned.


That's rather naughty retep.


Aren't you a clever boy:rolleyes:


Nothing naughty at all, it's not from the Guardian.


Contributory factors seem about even and considering there are more cars than cycles makes the cyclist a bit of a pest.

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