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Fuel prices MEGATHREAD

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Far too true, look at every other country on the planet, when their government is having their pants down they take to the streets and bring the country to a standstill, gaining worldwide publicity and on some occasions, worldwide sympathy yet all we do is whinge about it for four years and then vote the same people back in??? :huh:


Makes ya proud to be British don't it.....


I agree your points of people whinging and then voting the same people in but completley disagree that any "taking to streets" action gains any "sympathy" these days.


Lets face it.... when truckers protested about fuel costs and blocked up half the roads people went mad because it delayed their journeys, caused travel chaos etc..


France went on general strike... everyone went mad because train stations closed, flights were cancelled and services were shut down.


Student protests cause chaos in London, precious thousands spent on police resources and after it calms down....everyone calls the protesters morons and scum for their behaviour.


and now recent events abroad have happened, people take to the streets in protest, overthrow a government and everyone gets angry for the lack of control over the crowds, fears of personal safety and gets everyone the hell out of there.


....not much in the way of sympathy happening.

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It doesnt really matter whose in power,sucsessive governments have raised duty on uk petrol.

In Poland,its £1.05 per litre,and many other european countries enjoy far cheaper petrol than the uk....across the pond,petrol is £0.51p per litre.

The fact remains,india and china have economys growing far faster than our own,and have outstripped us for growth for many years,therefore the demand outstrips production,countries willing to purchase larger supplies,will get better discounts,making fuel more expensive in europe.

The population of the uk have NO history of protest at high petrolium costs,its therefore reasonable to expect,that they will pay whatever the going rate mite be,the price will keep spiralling upward toward the test price of £1.50 per ltr.....if that price becomes acceptable,expect it to be the norm.

Iv worked in fuel and have quite good contacts,and this is the thinking of most major uk fuel suppliers,some of which are french based

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Believe it or not there is a way to get stupid fuel prices down.


Hopefully this 'Fuel' ( http://www.fuel-hull.co.uk/Fuel,_Propaganda,_The_Yorkshireman_-_the_Hull_Gay_Scene%21.html ) won't be charging ridiculous prices when it opens! Going for a night out is expensive enough without having extra duty and VAT slapped on drink in bars and clubs :hihi:

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I agree your points of people whinging and then voting the same people in but completley disagree that any "taking to streets" action gains any "sympathy" these days.


Lets face it.... when truckers protested about fuel costs and blocked up half the roads people went mad because it delayed their journeys, caused travel chaos etc..


France went on general strike... everyone went mad because train stations closed, flights were cancelled and services were shut down.


Student protests cause chaos in London, precious thousands spent on police resources and after it calms down....everyone calls the protesters morons and scum for their behaviour.


and now recent events abroad have happened, people take to the streets in protest, overthrow a government and everyone gets angry for the lack of control over the crowds, fears of personal safety and gets everyone the hell out of there.


....not much in the way of sympathy happening.


No absolutely right, it caused absolute chaos and no one could get anywhere....but that's the point isn't it? To bring the country to it's knees. A national shutdown would surely show the government we aren't to be messed with. It'll never happen I know, 4 yrs from now we will all be voting Cameron back in :huh: Can't really say I blame anyone for it, I mean what's the alternatives:


Labour: Well they're just as useless

Lib Dems: Probably twice as useless as the other 2 put together


There are the little parties but they're hell bent on stupid policies alone such as the BNP, so to be fair unless we can get people in government that are from the real world, have dragged themselves through life and got to where they are today through graft and determination, people such as Alan Sugar, Richard Branson etc then we are doomed.

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Whinge, whinge, whinge.


Anyone noticed there's a national debt that needs paying off? Regardless of the reasons why it's there, it needs paying off and at the same time we still need to keep the country running. So if you want the taxes cutting on fuel, fine. But that revenue will still need to generated from somewhere else in our economy.


Incidentally comparing fuel tax rates against other countries without taking everything into account is particularly blinkered. Fuel in the US is far cheaper but they pay for their medical service - the NHS here is free.


Too much sponging and complaining in this country nowadays with people expecting everything for nothing and for someone else to pick up the bill.

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