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Fuel prices MEGATHREAD

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I agree your points of people whinging and then voting the same people in but completley disagree that any "taking to streets" action gains any "sympathy" these days.


Lets face it.... when truckers protested about fuel costs and blocked up half the roads people went mad because it delayed their journeys, caused travel chaos etc..


France went on general strike... everyone went mad because train stations closed, flights were cancelled and services were shut down.


Student protests cause chaos in London, precious thousands spent on police resources and after it calms down....everyone calls the protesters morons and scum for their behaviour.


and now recent events abroad have happened, people take to the streets in protest, overthrow a government and everyone gets angry for the lack of control over the crowds, fears of personal safety and gets everyone the hell out of there.


....not much in the way of sympathy happening.


Very good post; you've just described the national mentality there.



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Think about the fuel price.. It's not the oil company's that sell it to us that are making huge profits, it's not any fault of Shell, Mobil, BP or Esso, it's the ammount of Tax and VAT we have levied on it by the Government that is crippling most of us. Here is a price breakdown for diesel at 131.9p per gallon. Fuel Duty 58.95p, VAT 21.98p, = 80.93p. Garage 5p and the total cost for production just 45.97p. In laymans terms then, fuel costs just 49.97p per Gallon at the pumps -- we are crazy to stand for it. So you do not have to be Einstein to grasp the fact that THE GOVERNMENT of the day, choose who they might be are the big winners in the cost of fuel.





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Think about the fuel price.. It's not the oil company's that sell it to us that are making huge profits, it's not any fault of Shell, Mobil, BP or Esso, it's the ammount of Tax and VAT we have levied on it by the Government that is crippling most of us. Here is a price breakdown for diesel at 131.9p per gallon. Fuel Duty 58.95p, VAT 21.98p, = 80.93p. Garage 5p and the total cost for production just 45.97p. In laymans terms then, fuel costs just 49.97p per Gallon at the pumps -- we are crazy to stand for it. So you do not have to be Einstein to grasp the fact that THE GOVERNMENT of the day, choose who they might be are the big winners in the cost of fuel.






I'm pretty sure that's almost identical to the breakdown I posted on PAGE ONE. With one minor difference. My figures are correct. (45.97+5=50.97 not 49.97 ;) )

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Think about the fuel price.. It's not the oil company's that sell it to us that are making huge profits, it's not any fault of Shell, Mobil, BP or Esso, it's the ammount of Tax and VAT we have levied on it by the Government that is crippling most of us. Here is a price breakdown for diesel at 131.9p per gallon. Fuel Duty 58.95p, VAT 21.98p, = 80.93p. Garage 5p and the total cost for production just 45.97p. In laymans terms then, fuel costs just 49.97p per Gallon at the pumps -- we are crazy to stand for it. So you do not have to be Einstein to grasp the fact that THE GOVERNMENT of the day, choose who they might be are the big winners in the cost of fuel.






We get idiots who think it will be a good idea to stage a protest in London, this way , we spend £50 each on fuel, £8 congestion charge and all the fuel use stuck in traffic use create many millions for the goverment:loopy: , they will encourage you to do it everyday,

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