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Fuel prices MEGATHREAD

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I just hope people turn alternative illegal oils that you can run your car on that would stick it up the greedy oil companies and the morons that run this country.


Yeah, 'cos cutting off your nose to spite your face is always the right thing to do, isn't it?

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If you have a lifestyle that means you are at the mercy of price rises such as this then god help you, and up to a point you only have yourself to blame.


On last nights Panorama we had parents complaining about the rising costs of childcare.


On last nights "Inside out" (the programme at 7.30 on BBC1, we had people complaining about the rising costs of housing and the fact many lower paid workers are not in a position to a afford housing.


How have we got to this? well, over the past 20 or 30 years we have asked the government to introduce flexible working arrangements, childcare, we have wanted part time working and now we have got these things - people are now complaining.


People wanted to get rid of the factorys and the manual labour (remember the strikes of the 1970s?), the government did this and now there are no jobs. Now we reap what we sow.


We wanted the compensation culture so we could sue if we walked into a lampost, or sliped on some ice (after somebody had cleared the snow from their path)


We now have flexible part time working, we now no longer have the industrys that allowed one man to have a wage that supported a family, we now have to commute silly amounts of miles in order to get to that low paid job. We now have child care costs, and of course rising petrol prices. And last but not least, thanks to embracing of the compensation culture, our car insurances are going through the roof


We as a society have put ourselves at the mercy of price rises like these, and now we are reaping the whirlwind.


As Dave Cameron keeps saying "we are all in this together" some more than others


Good points raised. Childcare costs are too expensive (note that they charge you for caring for your child on a bank holiday when your kid aint there so that takes the ****). Wages stay the same except for people at the top of the ladder (why they need a raise I don't know) while everything else increases. Sometimes I wonder why we bother working with all the free hand outs.

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Childcare costs are too expensive (note that they charge you for caring for your child on a bank holiday when your kid aint there so that takes the ****).


Oh I dunno, seems like a pretty responsible and skilled job to me.


As for the bank holidays, most people in full time jobs get paid on bank holidays. Unless you're saying bank holidays should always be unpaid, or removed altogether then I can't see what the issue is.

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Oh I dunno, seems like a pretty responsible and skilled job to me.


As for the bank holidays, most people in full time jobs get paid on bank holidays. Unless you're saying bank holidays should always be unpaid, or removed altogether then I can't see what the issue is.


His point is that he is paying for a service he isn't getting - ie paying for a day of childcare when his child(ren) are at home with him.

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His point is that he is paying for a service he isn't getting - ie paying for a day of childcare when his child(ren) are at home with him.


And the point I made is that so is my employer (and most full time employers throughout the nation), since they also pay for a day when I'm not at work. Why should his childcarer recieve any less?

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Relatively speaking,compared to the avarage salaries, then petrol is cheaper now than it was in 1971..


Ave. salary 1971 £1202 gallon of petrol 34p


Ave salary 2010 £23500 gallon of petrol £6.13 (£1.35 ltre)


In '71 you could have bought 3535 gallons with the average salary.. in 2010 you could buy 3833.


I wish I was on this average salary, I suppose, like most people. Where do people get these figures from?


The rich get richer and the poor get poorer.


it costs me £60 a week to travel to work, from Rotherham to Donny....Dont you think thats much? £240 a month before I even pay my £156 insurance on a 54 van? Thats just short of £400 a month on one item. Its getting beyond a joke, there is no help, or releif for the working class. As I said above, the poor get poorer. The older generation suffer, as do we all.

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