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Fuel prices MEGATHREAD

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[quote name=The rich get richer and the poor get poorer.


it costs me £60 a week to travel to work, from Rotherham to Donny....Dont you think thats much? £240 a month before I even pay my £156 insurance on a 54 van? Thats just short of £400 a month on one item. Its getting beyond a joke, there is no help, or releif for the working class. As I said above, the poor get poorer. The older generation suffer, as do we all.[/quote]


I drive a 18 year old car and have absolutely no intention of upgrading it. As it happens it still drives like a dream, has never failed an MOT yet my insurance this year has gone through the roof £340 which is about the value of the car and as for petrol its a joke. Just where is the incentive to buy a new or newer car, not just for me but for anyone. Then the government can't understand why the economy is so low.. its like hello are you listening.... unfortunately the petrol prices will just continue to rise.


I paid 130.9 at Morrisons last Saturday (£40 for less than half a tank) total madness

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£1.36 a litre at Penneys in Penistone. A disgrace. When are we going to wake up and tell this Government that they work for US. They represent US. They are elected to serve US, and listen to OUR requests, not make up their own rules that nobody wants. They tax fuel because we all NEED it. They know most of us have a car, so its easy pickings for them. They are a disgrace to the population of the UK and the sooner a normal set of people are in Downing St, running this country to suit the people, THE BETTER.

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£1.36 a litre at Penneys in Penistone. A disgrace. When are we going to wake up and tell this Government that they work for US. They represent US. They are elected to serve US, and listen to OUR requests, not make up their own rules that nobody wants. They tax fuel because we all NEED it. They know most of us have a car, so its easy pickings for them. They are a disgrace to the population of the UK and the sooner a normal set of people are in Downing St, running this country to suit the people, THE BETTER.


The problem with your suggestion is that most people want better public services, but they also want to pay less tax. If the government listened to OUR requests how could they achieve this impossible aim?

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