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Fuel prices MEGATHREAD

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As the saying goes "we are all in this together"


There comes a time when the pain needs to be shared out more equally, you cannot keep hitting the workers with ever more indirect taxes. This tax is a tax that cannot be avoided, unless of course you are a worker that happens to live on the end of a bus route or you work within walking distance of work/home.


I think its time for the chancellor to look elsewhere other than getting ever more money out of the motorist who goes to and from work.


They are, I read today that there is going to be 10p on a pint of beer in the budget.

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Gormless George won't cut the tax on fuel to restart the economy by getting people to spend more but fellow Tory John Redwood was saying cut the 50% tax rate for the high earners to restart the economy. All in it together, what a joke.

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The government know we all need fuel so they hike it up. we cant do without it and the ***** know that. Theyre all the same Lab/Con/Libdems. Not only do they think we are all stupid, they KNOW we are all stupid.




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Hopefully with higher fuel prices we can price a few people off the road and stop people doing unimportant trips in car



have u got one foot in the grave,if so put the other one in.

stupid comment,

what are we here for??? just to make some mother ****er ritcher.

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It's because Iran stopped oil to the UK as of yesterday. Expect more rises in next few weeks.



Maybe we should ship it from America then because its only $3.70 a gallon there!


High fuel prices have nothing to do with Iran or anywhere else,were just being ripped off plain and simple!

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What I can't get my head around is the fact that diesel is so much dearer than petrol, when it used to be cheaper.


Apparently we don't make enough diesel any more so we are a net importer of it as a nation!


We must use more diesel than petrol, (think of all the hgv s buses etc) so why don't we make more of the bloody stuff so we don't have to import it?



when propane gets used more than disel that will overtake diesel price too

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Gormless George won't cut the tax on fuel to restart the economy by getting people to spend more but fellow Tory John Redwood was saying cut the 50% tax rate for the high earners to restart the economy. All in it together, what a joke.


They have to get the money from somewhere to pay for education, nhs, arm forces benefits etc etc, where do you think the money comes from? if they cut tax on fuel they have to put it on something else, petrol can be counted as luxury since you can use buses/tram for most of your needs

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The price of things now make one despair.

In the last week alone my standing order fuel bill has risen by £20 .

My pet insurance by £5 [not fuel i know] this on top of other price increases that one suddenly realises have occurred means that my old age pension no longer covers my out goings.

Perhaps our members of Parliament do not realise the situation we are in.



they know only to well but ignore it

but they increase the money that they give away to these never ending black holes

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just been down boston way working and went to fill up in a bp garage ! took the nozzle off and glanced at their prices 156.9p per litre of their bp ultimate diesel !!!! i quickly returned the nozzle and reversed back to the other pump to get regular diesel ! and that was £146.9per litre ! it shows you that even the garages want to rip you off by putting 8 pumps in for bp ultimate diesel and 2 pumps in for regular diesel ! whos the dick turpin there?

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