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Fuel prices MEGATHREAD

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They have to get the money from somewhere to pay for education, nhs, arm forces benefits etc etc, where do you think the money comes from? if they cut tax on fuel they have to put it on something else, petrol can be counted as luxury since you can use buses/tram for most of your needs



what planet are you on,do the bus,s cover every part of it or like me have to walk 5 miles to catch one that only goes to a terminus 5mile from where i want to go

alsothe extra vat he,s collecting should cover that if only they would stop giving it to someone else.



makes me wonder if u yourself contribute.

ive done mine 50 years of it.

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i agree with the price increase, this way people will think more careful before they make a trip, much better for planet earth, if we raise the duty more then the goverment will have more £££ to play with, we should raise it to £2-£3 a litre so people will use bus/train/bike/walk more

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i agree with the price increase, this way people will think more careful before they make a trip, much better for planet earth, if we raise the duty more then the goverment will have more £££ to play with, we should raise it to £2-£3 a litre so people will use bus/train/bike/walk more


have you just landed from mars?


We don't have factories,pits and industry locally for everyone to work locally anymore,people now are having to travel to find work and unless you hav3 another brainstorm better than the one above,its going to get worse.

The reward for these workers getting off their arses and working for a living is being heavily penilised for using what in many cases is the only transport that is available to do the job which is their car which makes your suggestion a tax on workers.

Were not far off the point where going to work will be uneconomically viable for many,what do you suggest these people should do to feed their families?

If the last government hadn't squandered all our money then maybe we wouldn't be in this mess but the fact is we are and pricing people out of work through high fuel prices isn't going to help anyone.

I wonder how many times you moan that your shopping has gone up in price?If you Havnt you soon would implementing your tosh!

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i agree with the price increase, this way people will think more careful before they make a trip, much better for planet earth, if we raise the duty more then the goverment will have more £££ to play with, we should raise it to £2-£3 a litre so people will use bus/train/bike/walk more
And the fuel goes upto £2 - £3 per litre don't you think every thing else will go up. How do you suppose stores get there food stocks etc, they just magically appear. Fuel goes up everything else goes up including bus fares.:loopy:
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After agree, fuel costs are directly linked to inflation.

People are having to look further afielf for work, so travel expenses are higher

Food is costing more money

Always the case in summer, the petrol companies cashing in on us trying to use our cars for leisure.

The cost of living in general will make everyone (apart from the stinking rich of course) just have an existance.


At some point we will either be claiming universal credit or on the national minimum wage just scraping enough together to exist. No one will have any disposable income to buy the expensive things that make the econommy tick.


Who will the chinese export to if no one has a disposable income in the western economies?

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i agree with the price increase, this way people will think more careful before they make a trip, much better for planet earth, if we raise the duty more then the goverment will have more £££ to play with, we should raise it to £2-£3 a litre so people will use bus/train/bike/walk more


What effect do you think that will have on the price of goods? Everything you buy( even your bike) will have travelled in a van or on a lorry in this country and they use fuel... :roll: Won't bus and train fares have to increase as well? Looks like we'll all be walking then..

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What effect do you think that will have on the price of goods? Everything you buy( even your bike) will have travelled in a van or on a lorry in this country and they use fuel... :roll: Won't bus and train fares have to increase as well? Looks like we'll all be walking then..


So you think it is fair for places like India, Pakistan, China to work for peanuts while people in UK earn more money on the dole? instead of complaining about cost, we should start by sorting out the goverment spending and balancing the income to complete against other countries.

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They have to get the money from somewhere to pay for education, nhs, arm forces benefits etc etc, where do you think the money comes from? if they cut tax on fuel they have to put it on something else, petrol can be counted as luxury since you can use buses/tram for most of your needs


So you are saying that it is ok to cut the tax rate for the high earners, the people who can afford the rising price of fuel?

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