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Fuel prices MEGATHREAD

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There are some that favour high fuel duty, but this is self defeating.


If I spend a greater percentage of my net income (and for many people it is a high percentage) on petrol getting to and from work, I then cannot spend my money within other businesses.


As a censequence, many businesses lose money because instead of spending wages in shops, on services or other items people are forever putting petrol in their car to get to and from work.


businesses lose money and so cannot take on additional staff (so no help for those on the dole queue). Businesses take less money so employees take a pay freeze and as a consequence, these people cannot spend money in other peoples businesses.


Many small businesses go to the wall, and many people lose their jobs and so we now have to pay benefits to people who have lost their jobs because people are not spending. Taxes, then need to go up to cover the cost of keeping additional people on benefits.


BUT THERE IS ANOTHER WAY.....but it won't be popular with the anti car brigade.


Cut fuel duty to 40p, that means petrol is now around 98p a litre.


People now have spare cash which they can then spend in businesses, and so businesses grow. Businesses can now create jobs and take people off benefits.


People are in jobs and are now taxpayers. Businesses take more money and so pay more in tax (YES - THEY PAY MORE IN TAX), so in effect a 40p cut in fuel duty would pay for itself as businesses grow and take more money and pay more tax, and take people off the dole queue.


This is supposed to be a conservative government (ie, friendly to businesses and not feathering the nests of the liberal eliete). If things carry on like this, we may as well put new labout back in charge at the next election.



Not sure it would work like this. If people have a bit of "spare" cash, they are possibly more likely to use it to reduce their outgoings, or paying off debt. That doesn't grow the economy, create jobs or result in tax revenue. i can see why the Chancellor wants to take the cash now.

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So you think it is fair for places like India, Pakistan, China to work for peanuts while people in UK earn more money on the dole? instead of complaining about cost, we should start by sorting out the goverment spending and balancing the income to complete against other countries.


What does that have to with increasing costs in this country because of the higher fuel prices you want?..you're off on a tangent here..

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what planet are you on,do the bus,s cover every part of it or like me have to walk 5 miles to catch one that only goes to a terminus 5mile from where i want to go

alsothe extra vat he,s collecting should cover that if only they would stop giving it to someone else.



makes me wonder if u yourself contribute.

ive done mine 50 years of it.



I think all he is saying is that for a lot of people ( not all of course) a proportion of spend on fuel is discretionary. Now income tax is also discretionary for high earners - they find a way out of paying it all.


So fuel tax MIGHT be a fairer way of taxing people than it looks at first sight.

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I think all he is saying is that for a lot of people ( not all of course) a proportion of spend on fuel is discretionary. Now income tax is also discretionary for high earners - they find a way out of paying it all.


So fuel tax MIGHT be a fairer way of taxing people than it looks at first sight.

its very hard to get those less educated to understand such a simple fact;)

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So you are saying that it is ok to cut the tax rate for the high earners, the people who can afford the rising price of fuel?


Why should you take more 50% tax & 11% NI from someone who is earning a lot of money? They study and work bloody hard to get to where they are, Why should we punish the successful? and let the lazy/ low paid/unemployed people milk the system, Why should the clever/hard working people paid for the unemployed house food?

At least with fuel tax we have a choice

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Whatever happened to that refinery in Humberside that used vegetable oil to made diesel?

I remember back in the early '00s that they were producing it at 2p above pump price so no-one wanted it. I'd buy it if they were still selling it at around 56p/l

Surely modern diesels can accommodate the added lubricity issue that arises from this bio-fuel

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Why should you take more 50% tax & 11% NI from someone who is earning a lot of money? They study and work bloody hard to get to where they are, Why should we punish the successful? and let the lazy/ low paid/unemployed people milk the system, Why should the clever/hard working people paid for the unemployed house food?

At least with fuel tax we have a choice


Why do you say people have a choice, if you need a car for work you have no choice you have to pay for the fuel.

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You can found a job near your house? move near to work? you can save time and cost if you cut your commute time


I'm sorry, but could we have that in English please, with punctuation and capital letters? (Sorry, I couldn't resist given your previous comment re education :D )


The simple fact is that, currently, we are reliant upon fossil fuel for the majority of our transportation.


Ever increasing fuel prices force other costs up, whether you, or I, use a car or not.


Some people have no choice whether they drive or not. Some people have to commute to multiple locations, or are on call and need to respond quickly.


Personally, all my private and business fuel (for one of my cars) is supplied by my employer; so price rises don't really impact my automobile useage.



I think the government should introduce a tax on stupid internet postings. ;)

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