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Fuel prices MEGATHREAD

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You can found a job near your house? move near to work? you can save time and cost if you cut your commute time


Do people live in the real world or what ?....... Course Danny , jobs are two a penny at the moment, the majority of us cannot pick and choose jobs :huh:. It is so simplistic as to tell people to sell there homes and move nearer to their place of work, at what expense ?, there is the nasty removal vans polluting the atmosphere, solicitors bills, surveyors costs, advertising bills , I could go on........ yep it would save time and cost , in your little world

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You can found a job near your house? move near to work? you can save time and cost if you cut your commute time


Prices of stuff in shops would still rise due to the extra money that would have to be spent to transport goods around....

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Fuel duty needs to be cut. I use my car to get to and from work. I could use public transport but that would cost me more on a weekly basis than I pay on fuel. That said, I try to limit my journeys outside of work because of the cost of fuel. If duty were to be cut to make the price of fuel more attractive, then I would probably use my car more. The flip side being pollution.


I wouldn't mind paying a higher duty rate if they scrapped road tax. Fuel duty is fair as its based on usage.....drive more miles or use a vehicle with low consuption and you pay more tax thro having to spend more on fuel. Those lucky people that have more than one car pay road tax for each of them, but may only use one of the cars occasionally. My neighbour has a kit car that is only used when the weather is good. That might be once or twice a month but he still has to pay the same amount of road tax for that car that I pay for my car that I used almost daily.


On another point, Unite have ballotted for strike action this week amongst their tanker drivers. If the strike goes ahead, their members deliver fuel to 90% of the forecourts in the UK.....may need to go fill up!!! :)



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Do people live in the real world or what ?....... Course Danny , jobs are two a penny at the moment, the majority of us cannot pick and choose jobs :huh:. It is so simplistic as to tell people to sell there homes and move nearer to their place of work, at what expense ?, there is the nasty removal vans polluting the atmosphere, solicitors bills, surveyors costs, advertising bills , I could go on........ yep it would save time and cost , in your little world


There must be a McDonalds/Supermarket near you, You have to look at the bigger picture, pay once for moving etc etc and save thousands in fuel and time over a period of time

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Prices of stuff in shops would still rise due to the extra money that would have to be spent to transport goods around....


It may raise but in very small % as the transport cost is nothing compare to staff wages and tax companies paid

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It may raise but in very small % as the transport cost is nothing compare to staff wages and tax companies paid


Sorry, but I totally disagree. One of the KPI's used at my company is GPADE (Gross Profit after Distribution Expenses).


Our fuel costs are so great that we have in cab monitoring equipment, that records when a driver is braking, the angle of the throttle, etc. This information is used to check fuel consumption per vehicle / per driver. Should the fuel consumption for the vehicle fall outside accepted parameters then the vehicle is checked over. Should a particular driver have a lower mpg, then the driver will be retrained.


You really don't know what you're talking about.

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