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Fuel prices MEGATHREAD

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You really don't know what you're talking about.


Well said!!


danny128.....the cost of fuel impacts everything....as somewhere along the line fuel is used. Be it transportation of goods or just getting the staff to their jobs by their own car or public transport!


As the cost of fuel increases so will the cost of public transport. Bus companies will want to fill buses to make them cost effective. If there are too many empty buses they will cut them. Simple economics. But the cost of fuelling the buses will increase so the fares will.


Shops and supermarkets will pass on the increase cost of goods transportation because transport companies will need to pass on the cost to them.


When labour came into power in '97 they spent like mad and borrowed more to spend that!! Thatcher and the Torys of her time weren't great, she privatised more than she should etc etc but at least the country was in the black when she was in number 10. Labour spent the money the government had the minute they came to power and have been putting us into the red ever since and now we are paying for it.

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Do people live in the real world or what ?....... Course Danny , jobs are two a penny at the moment, the majority of us cannot pick and choose jobs :huh:. It is so simplistic as to tell people to sell there homes and move nearer to their place of work, at what expense ?, there is the nasty removal vans polluting the atmosphere, solicitors bills, surveyors costs, advertising bills , I could go on........ yep it would save time and cost , in your little world


Or perhaps as a society we need to come up with some different answers, such as working from home more often. Lots of jobs can be done at home for at least some of the time.

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Sorry, but I totally disagree. One of the KPI's used at my company is GPADE (Gross Profit after Distribution Expenses).


Our fuel costs are so great that we have in cab monitoring equipment, that records when a driver is braking, the angle of the throttle, etc. This information is used to check fuel consumption per vehicle / per driver. Should the fuel consumption for the vehicle fall outside accepted parameters then the vehicle is checked over. Should a particular driver have a lower mpg, then the driver will be retrained.


You really don't know what you're talking about.


considering the cost of equitment and time taking to work out the numbers, it is a total waste of time and money, you wonder why uk is going downhill? why dont those people do a real job and start making money for uk by exporting instead of something so stupid

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Well said!!


danny128.....the cost of fuel impacts everything....as somewhere along the line fuel is used. Be it transportation of goods or just getting the staff to their jobs by their own car or public transport!


As the cost of fuel increases so will the cost of public transport. Bus companies will want to fill buses to make them cost effective. If there are too many empty buses they will cut them. Simple economics. But the cost of fuelling the buses will increase so the fares will.


Shops and supermarkets will pass on the increase cost of goods transportation because transport companies will need to pass on the cost to them.


When labour came into power in '97 they spent like mad and borrowed more to spend that!! Thatcher and the Torys of her time weren't great, she privatised more than she should etc etc but at least the country was in the black when she was in number 10. Labour spent the money the government had the minute they came to power and have been putting us into the red ever since and now we are paying for it.

transport cost is around 10%, labour cost is more like 40-50%, Not hard to work out where it is easy to save money :huh:

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considering the cost of equitment and time taking to work out the numbers, it is a total waste of time and money, you wonder why uk is going downhill? why dont those people do a real job and start making money for uk by exporting instead of something so stupid


You reckon calculating how much a business costs to run is a waste of time? Maybe they should do what you appear to and guess the numbers?

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You reckon calculating how much a business costs to run is a waste of time? Maybe they should do what you appear to and guess the numbers?


Cost of electricity is now a much higher consieration for instance in IT than it used to be.


Danny actually contradicts himself. I thought earlier in the discussion he was arging for this very same calculation, but at a personal level of spend, rather than for a business.

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There must be a McDonalds/Supermarket near you, You have to look at the bigger picture, pay once for moving etc etc and save thousands in fuel and time over a period of time




Hi Danny, am I correct in assuming that you are a students at the University studying some non descript qualification? I'm assuming this, because you seem to have no grasp of the reality many people face.


With regards getting a job at the local Supermarket or Mcdonalds, lets break down this small problem. Lets assume that the people who are replying to this thread (and who appear not to agree with you) are people with bills to pay.


The minimum wage is £6.08 an hour (lets be generous and assume people will be paid £6.50 an hour). So we take a job for 35 hours a week x £6.50 = £227.50, less tax and you come out with about £205 a week. (so £820 a month.


Lets assume that your average mortgage/rent is about £550 a month (cheaper if you want to bring your family up on Parson Cross, but then you play a game of russian roulette with your insurance costs), you now have £270 a month.


Council tax around £120 a month, so you now have £150 a month.


Lets assume our would be workers get rid of their cars and use the bus, a bus pass will cost around £90 a month, and so this leaves £60 a month.


Lets assume people want to buy food and peopel spend £40 a week to feed a family, so thats £160 a month.....whoa.....hang on. we have ran out of money, and we haven't even started putting the gas on yet.


This is probably why for anyone running a family home, your suggestion of getting a job at morrisons is simply unworkable

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considering the cost of equitment and time taking to work out the numbers, it is a total waste of time and money, you wonder why uk is going downhill? why dont those people do a real job and start making money for uk by exporting instead of something so stupid


OK, what is the cost of the equipment?


How much time and effort does it take to calculate the efficiency?


As for the UK going downhill, I refer the public to the standard of your arguments / posts and rest my case.


PS Have you found any capital letters yet, or have they all moved nearer to McDonalds?

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