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Fuel prices MEGATHREAD

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its not about who id like to see taken off the roads, end of the day its going to happen, and as always the poorest in society will be impacted upon the worse.


No I don't want to stop using my car, but at the same time im not stupid enough to think that government can or will cut fuel duty by 50p, it simply wouldn't be possible.


Fuel prices are rising because the the price of oil is increasing world wide, high demand of a diminishing resource equals a high price... that's a fact. Fuel companies wont lower their prices, they don't need to, if our whole country stopped buying fuel they would not care, demand is high they wouldn't have any problems selling it on.


Fuel tax has hardly risen in the past ten years, the fuel duty escalator was scrapped many years ago, the increasing price from around 2000 has not been increasing tax levels but increasing world oil price.


Fact is the UK is car dependent this dependence needs to be reduced which has been recognised for many years or another form of transport needs to implemented.

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I didnt say they wouldn't miss it but do you really think the UK's 60 million people and economy really compares to the massive populations of growing economies of china, India, Brazil etc that's why the fuel price is rising because of their development which is only going to increase, too many people not enough oil.

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  • 1 month later...
why are fuel prices so high when oil is at a 15 month low!??


Was going to put greed by the petrol companies is the only answer. But the main problem lies with the amount of tax the goverment puts on the fuel.

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