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Those 'Person A is on this bus' adverts

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You've clearly been brain washed by these subtle adverts. Being on the bus just means you're going to take longer to get to your destination, have a less comfortable journey and that all the car drivers are laughing at you. It certainly doesn't make you any kind of winner.

Remember, car drivers could catch the bus, they choose not to, I guess you don't have a choice.


I choose NOT to have a car and I walk and cycle and public transport it instead. I feel sad for the poor little driver that freaks out when a snowflake appears in the sky, cos their beloved routine might be spoilt, cos they cannot get anywhere as they rely totally on their beloved car.


Get on ya legs poor little driver and feel the difference in so many positive ways, instead of being in denial and finding any excuse to protect your little bubble you sit in day in day out.



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I went to see the Trent Aegir last year and got on my bike down into Sheffield to the train station just after 5am and then caught a train to Gainsborough. When I arrived in Gains, I then cycled about 6 miles to West Stockwith to see the magnificent Aegir, which was a powerful 4 star. I wanted to see it, I didn't have a car, a bus couldn't get me there, but I still got there, cos I wanted to see it and nothing stopped me, cos I don't just simply rely on a car.


BTW you can see the Trent Aegir I videod at:


As you will see, the day was absolutely glorious and I will always remember that day, prob cos I really made the effort car or no car, to experience the spectacle.

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I went to see the Trent Aegir last year and got on my bike down into Sheffield to the train station just after 5am and then caught a train to Gainsborough. When I arrived in Gains, I then cycled about 6 miles to West Stockwith to see the magnificent Aegir, which was a powerful 4 star. I wanted to see it, I didn't have a car, a bus couldn't get me there, but I still got there, cos I wanted to see it and nothing stopped me, cos I don't just simply rely on a car.


BTW you can see the Trent Aegir I videod at:


As you will see, the day was absolutely glorious and I will always remember that day, prob cos I really made the effort car or no car, to experience the spectacle.


Are we feeding you so slowly you have to keep posting?


I went to Birmingham and back the day it snowed (a Sunday) - I had to be there for 10, and back in Sheffield for 6. Before I went I had to drop my kid off at my in-laws. It was no problem in the car (even with the snow, although I believe it severely disrupted the bus service, which is irregular anyway on Sunday)


What's your point?


A week ago I went to Ikea in Leeds after work and bought a large and heavy piece of furniture. I couldn't have done that on public transport either.


A few months back our family went to Wales for a few days; our cottage was in a remote location a mile or so from any other building, down a dirt track. The car transported all three of us to the door, even though it was dark, windy and raining. I'm sure I could have got there with a combination of taxi, train, train, bus, taxi - but I doubt it would have been anywhere near as enjoyable or cheap, and it would certainly have meant not bringing the jigsaws and scooter that made it more enjoyable for our child.


So what is your point? That public transport works best for you and therefore it works best for everyone, regardless of their circumstance?


(there you go, you can be smug that I've risen to your inane baiting now)

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I choose NOT to have a car and I walk and cycle and public transport it instead. I feel sad for the poor little driver that freaks out when a snowflake appears in the sky, cos their beloved routine might be spoilt, cos they cannot get anywhere as they rely totally on their beloved car.

They don't though do they, that's just something your telling yourself to make yourself feel better.

I have a car, a bike, legs and the ability to use the tram or bus (although I try to avoid the last one at almost all costs).


Get on ya legs poor little driver and feel the difference in so many positive ways, instead of being in denial and finding any excuse to protect your little bubble you sit in day in day out.

I expect I've already run further this week than you will walk all week. Having a car doesn't stop me using public transport, it means I can make the most appropriate choice for each journey, strangely bus is never the most appropriate!

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I don't think you can count NUmber Six. With this reply I have counted 8 posts to me and NINE to you... oh dear! :D


Well I did start the thread ....


I was referring to your double-post (above). I note you have not attempted to reply to my points. I can only conclude that your heart isn't really in it any more.


Joe is passing the seemingly interminable amount of time it takes him to get from A to B by posting on Sheffield Forum about how great buses are. Unfortunately he loses 3G connectivity somewhere around points C, F and L - places he doesn't want to go, but are on the bus route. Please help Joe convince himself that he choses to be on a bus by agreeing with him. Joe is on this bus. You're not because you arrived an hour ago.

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I went to see the Trent Aegir last year and got on my bike down into Sheffield to the train station just after 5am and then caught a train to Gainsborough. When I arrived in Gains, I then cycled about 6 miles to West Stockwith to see the magnificent Aegir, which was a powerful 4 star. I wanted to see it, I didn't have a car, a bus couldn't get me there, but I still got there, cos I wanted to see it and nothing stopped me, cos I don't just simply rely on a car.


BTW you can see the Trent Aegir I videod at:


As you will see, the day was absolutely glorious and I will always remember that day, prob cos I really made the effort car or no car, to experience the spectacle.


What did you do wrong? Was it some form of punishment?...:hihi:

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I can only conclude that your heart isn't really in it any more.


I have made my points clearly and why continue? I have said all I need to. And btw I wud get somewhere in a blizzard if I had too, whereas most wud not, cos they wouldn't be able to get their cars off the drive.. the lazy good for nothings haha

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I have made my points clearly and why continue? I have said all I need to. And btw I wud get somewhere in a blizzard if I had too, whereas most wud not, cos they wouldn't be able to get their cars off the drive.. the lazy good for nothings haha


Because you've had replies to the points you made, and it is therfore polite to respond to the points others have made?


Because I feel there are several responses to the point you made ('I get the bus so you all should') that are more valid than your statements at present?


I think most people would get somewhere in a blizzard if they "had to" Many chose not to, including most buses as far as I can tell. I got everywhere I wanted to in my car in the snow last year and this by using the correct tyres, so I'm not sure what your point is.


Good that you've got some coverage on your phone again though. Bus must be nearly there now?

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