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Those 'Person A is on this bus' adverts

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I have made my points clearly and why continue? I have said all I need to. And btw I wud get somewhere in a blizzard if I had too, whereas most wud not, cos they wouldn't be able to get their cars off the drive.. the lazy good for nothings haha


You keep repeating this point despite it being clearly untrue.

Having a car does not stop anyone from using other forms of transport.

Not having a car does stop you from using a car!

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Wonder at whom the sanctimonious weather warnings ("Don't go out unless your journey is essential") are aimed? Of course, we'd spend all day going out on non-essential journeys: if only to spite the Met. Office!


Half of all urban car journeys ARE FEWER THAN 2 MILES.


The first observation to make is that much of our car use is simply complacency. Half of car journeys are under two miles, and 80% of them could be done by bike or bus. “Driving has become the normal, habitual, expected means of transport, and other options are not even considered.” Getting people thinking about travel is a good start. We take our cars for granted so much, just asking the question of how you will get somewhere is a step in the right direction.



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I choose NOT to have a car and I walk and cycle and public transport it instead. I feel sad for the poor little driver that freaks out when a snowflake appears in the sky, cos their beloved routine might be spoilt, cos they cannot get anywhere as they rely totally on their beloved car.


Get on ya legs poor little driver and feel the difference in so many positive ways, instead of being in denial and finding any excuse to protect your little bubble you sit in day in day out.




I'd rather go to the gym 5 days a week and still get to my destination before you every day in quiet comfort

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Did the bike win the " I am sitting in the warm listening to the music I like and laughing at the cold people wearing lycra stakes " ?


Nope, that was yours, along with the prize for contributing to congestion and pollution and the highest child obesity rates in Europe:



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