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Do We Really Need Royalty?

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If you ask anyone who works in our tourist industry I suspect that they'd tell you that the royal family is EXTREMELY important to make people visit the UK and pay good money to do so.


I'm a republican by nature, but I recognise that abolishing the royal family would take away a huge source of income for the country from all over the world.


Its a myth that the Royals are a big tourist draw - Theme Parks attract far more visitors than Royalty.


Besides, even if it were true its a pretty pathetic basis for building a constitution. The idea that we should have an unelected, unaccountable head of state simply because tourists like it is beyond a joke. What are we? A modern democracy or a curiousity for foriegners to come and look at?

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Its a myth that the Royals are a big tourist draw - Theme Parks attract far more visitors than Royalty.


Besides, even if it were true its a pretty pathetic basis for building a constitution. The idea that we should have an unelected, unaccountable head of state simply because tourists like it is beyond a joke. What are we? A modern democracy or a curiousity for foriegners to come and look at?


Quite agree. people might come and see Buck House which is quite an impressive building but they certainly don't come to see the occupants who retreat to Balmoral in the rutting er sorry tourist season. The Windsors and Prince Philip are all of foreign descent anyway

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Its a myth that the Royals are a big tourist draw - Theme Parks attract far more visitors than Royalty.


Theme parks may attract more local (UK resident) visitors than do the Royal family - an their various properties - but I doubt that many people travel a few thousand miles to go to Alton Towers.


... What are we? A modern democracy or a curiousity for foriegners to come and look at?


Are those the only alternatives?:hihi:

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Aren't the majority of people in this country of foreign descent anyway? My paternal grandparents were Irish, for instance. So in that regard, they're pretty representative of the rest of us.


At least we can rely on them to be impartial, have a vast knowledge of the history of the nation, experience of other world leaders and have been prepared for the task since birth.


If I had to choose between Charles or William and some fly-by-night shyster like Blair or any of the other putative candidates, no contest!

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The monarchy has been around for centuries and have never really been essential to the daily running and operations of the countries they are so called put in power to run.


Todays monarchy is not elected, they live a tax free life and walk around like some god, they (some) are born into a wealth that non of us can even imagine and they contribute nothing to society and and the people who serve them, in this modern age of technology and economic scarcity it is about time they were removed and all their castles and places of wealth destroyed.


After all, the bankers and politicians resign on a daily basis through guilt and force of hand, who[sic] not royalty, do they think they are above the law and the land and that no matter how they go about things it will always be accepted.


I also think that Princess Diana was marked for death by the higher royal elite, it was embarrassing for them to have someone marry a foreigner and all her good will and charity work was too much for their selfish and spiteful minds to work out. Me thinks that the monarchy knows more than it lets on what happened that fateful night and that it was more than a car crash and a few hired hands that killed her, she was murdered end of.


There is no use for the monarchy, they have no contribution to society, you never see them out working and you never ever see them get their hands dirty, they (some) live and a sterile and money rich life and as soon as our brainwashed countries see through it all the better we all will be.


I have taken the liberty of removing the bits which were plain wrong.



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