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Do We Really Need Royalty?

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The monarchy has been around for centuries and have never really been essential to the daily running and operations of the countries they are so called put in power to run.


Todays monarchy is not elected, they live a tax free life and walk around like some god, they are born into a wealth that non of us can even imagine and they contribute nothing to society and and the people who serve them, in this modern age of technology and economic scarcity it is about time they were removed and all their castles and places of wealth destroyed.


After all, the bankers and politicians resign on a daily basis through guilt and force of hand, who not royalty, do they think they are above the law and the land and that no matter how they go about things it will always be accepted.


I also think that Princess Diana was marked for death by the higher royal elite, it was embarrassing for them to have someone marry a foreigner and all her good will and charity work was too much for their selfish and spiteful minds to work out. Me thinks that the monarchy knows more than it lets on what happened that fateful night and that it was more than a car crash and a few hired hands that killed her, she was murdered end of.


There is no use for the monarchy, they have no contribution to society, you never see them out working and you never ever see them get their hands dirty, they live and a sterile and money rich life and as soon as our brainwashed countries see through it all the better we all will be.


In the past most royal marriages were between foreign parties-these preceded the signing of alliances and treaties,and were designed to pre-empt wars.

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If you ask anyone who works in our tourist industry I suspect that they'd tell you that the royal family is EXTREMELY important to make people visit the UK and pay good money to do so.


I'm a republican by nature, but I recognise that abolishing the royal family would take away a huge source of income for the country from all over the world.


Do visitors to the Lake District express an interest in the Royal family?Their value is overstated,and they could be replaced by a form of Big Brother where people are voted into Buck P.

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I'm one of the least royal followers you will find but i respect the Queen for the job she has done as a figurehead for the country,She goes about her business with grace and dignity and is the most wonderful ambassador anyone could wish for.

Her sons on the other hand have done nothing to show their value to this country,on the contrary,they must have broken their mothers heart.

It wouldn't bother me,and i suspect a lot of other people,if the monarchy died with the Queen.

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Do visitors to the Lake District express an interest in the Royal family?Their value is overstated,and they could be replaced by a form of Big Brother where people are voted into Buck P.
I think they're quite cheap really, pro-rata. They were saying on some TV prog the other night that the only people that don't seem to realise the importance to the rest of the world of the UK royal family, are the UK citizens themselves :P


Apparently the other world leaders have the greatest of respect for Elizabeth II, as was voiced by President Obama, amongst others. And apparently the mass of people from other countries are fascinated by them and long for a Royal Visitation! Amazing, isn't it.


Personally, I like having the Queen around and shall be sad when she no longer is, although I'm sure Charles will fill her shoes adequately. I like the continuity of the whole thing.

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I think they're quite cheap really, pro-rata. .


Don't the Crown estates generate about 240 million? George III did a deal with parliament in around 1760 where the surplus from the crown lands would go to the treasury for an annual payment (The Civil List)..the Civil List is about 40 million and we get back 240 million so the treasury is 200 million up on the deal..that's as I understand it..

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Don't the Crown estates generate about 240 million? George III did a deal with parliament in around 1760 where the surplus from the crown lands would go to the treasury for an annual payment (The Civil List)..the Civil List is about 40 million and we get back 240 million so the treasury is 200 million up on the deal..that's as I understand it..
And what people fail to acknowledge, time after time, is the international Royal networking that goes on and brings in big contracts.

Who's familiar with Al Yamamah? the UK's biggest ever export contract, providing the Sauds with military equipment, which has brought - so far - about 40 BILLION to the UK. Saudi would have bought better US equipment were it not for their enthusiasm for our Royalty. That's paid for the monarchy a thousand times over.


The few tens of millions it costs to have monarch generally end up being less than the cost of a president too.


But let the lefties, anarchists and anti-Royals various think what they will.

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I'm a republican by nature, but I recognise that abolishing the royal family would take away a huge source of income for the country from all over the world.


That argument doesn't really convince me to be honest. Millions of people visit the palace of Versaille every year. We should kick the royals out, and open up the palaces and castles completely to the public.

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