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What have the conservatives/coalition done for you?

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Sod all. Nick Clegg is full of S**t and only up for feathering his own nest. He seems to have forgot all the promises that he made prior to his election in Sheffield. Same crud same old story. Mp's fleecing the state for what they can get, while it last's.

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Sod all. Nick Clegg is full of S**t and only up for feathering his own nest. He seems to have forgot all the promises that he made prior to his election in Sheffield. Same crud same old story. Mp's fleecing the state for what they can get, while it last's.


The Lib Dems didn't win the election.

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All the utilities - gas, water, electricity, telecoms


This means that there is no national planning or infrastructure, and the private sector makes profit from our essentials. If the state had kept them, they could, for example, use those profits to invest in other things, or take a smaller profit (or make a loss) to help families in recessionary times.

I’d much rather people pay what their services are worth than some people have to subsidise others through artificial prices – we subsidise others through tax as it is.


They could even use pricing strategies to drive a green agenda. If they hadn't flogged them off.
Ah yes, the Green agenda. A gift to governments the world over as an excuse to increase taxes. No thanks.


All transport


Trains and buses are public goods - we all benefit if people use them, and as such they should be cheap - as part of the benefit (reduced congestion etc) is received by all people, part of the cost should be paid by all people - i.e. fares should be low if we want people to use the things.

No, I’m more for everybody paying for the services they use, not taxpayers paying for the lazy to get things free or cheap.


The arguments re: profit (above) apply here too.
Great, except that under public administration none of these services would have a hope of making profit.
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I’d much rather people pay what their services are worth than some people have to subsidise others through artificial prices – we subsidise others through tax as it is.


Ah yes, the Green agenda. A gift to governments the world over as an excuse to increase taxes. No thanks.


No, I’m more for everybody paying for the services they use, not taxpayers paying for the lazy to get things free or cheap.


Great, except that under public administration none of these services would have a hope of making profit.


Is the concept of a public good (one we all benefit from, like buses, street lights, the police and so on) so hard to grasp that no-one gets it?


If lots of people use the bus, your journey by car is quicker - you benefit

There is less wear on the road - you benefit even if you don't use the bus

It's easier to park - you get the idea?

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