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Alternative Comedy Cabaret


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This is just a brazen plug for a comedy night I run.

It's called Alt.Com.Cab. short for Alternative Comedy Cabaret and it runs out of The Harley, on Glossop Road. Every third monday of the month at 8pm there will be a mixture of handpicked acts from the northern circuit with an emphasis on the quirky and alternative, but that said, it is designed to be a variety night with a something for everyone feel so I've been toning down the mad lately.


So, those of you who have put some pieces of information together have worked out.


8pm, The Harley, Glossop Road.

It's £3 entry, or £2 for students.


Well, it's lots of fun.

I compere the nights, and I have been described by the Sheffield Telegraph as "a leftfield treat, lobbing surreal observations into the audience and watching to see what explodes and what doesn't. Most do".


Of the night:

"That the night is a mixed bag there's no doubt, but that the good makes it worthwhile is also certain" also from the Telegraph.


If you think reviews are meaningless, come down out of a spirit of adventure, curiosity and a love of comedy. If you put all your faith in reviews, then come down because the Sheffield Telegraph tells you to.


Find us on facebook or twitter if you like. Just search Alt.Com.Cab.

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Would you be at all interested in Drag Cabaret as a comedy act for your night? I do some very good comical renditions of famous singers such as Amy Winehouse, Gloria Gaynor, etc, although as you will expect my act relies more on props/costume for effect than just stand-up.

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