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Spat at whilst at work.

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Get it reported both to the police and your work. Spitting at someone is totally unacceptable, I'd far rather someone attacked me than spat at me. As it's in the context of you telling them that you're gay then it could be aggrevated as a hate crime as well.


Sorry you had to go through that BTW, some people are just bigotted idiots but in this day and age the majority of Sheffield peeps aren't so don't let one nasty incident squash you. :)

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I would definitely make your employers aware of the situation, there may be more to come in the future, best to raise the issue now rather than later. You don't have to take action against your "friend" but you need to make sure someone higher up the chain of command knows what has happened.


Good on you by the way mate.

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I'm sorry to hear that. I agree that he should be reported if not to the police then certainly to your managers.


Have you got support regading coming out, Closet Guy? There's a couple of very good organisations that are aimed for people making that difficult step, here is one of them:




Good luck.

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