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Spat at whilst at work.

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What if no-one's doing that ? would you think it's okay to tell others you're gay because you just want to ?


Again, if no-one suspects anything, why go out of your way and put yourself in possible bother ? (i.e. people being offensive towards you afterwards) ?


Saying something that goes against society's norm (i.e. telling others you're gay) is not really a wise thing to do.


Well then you'd better abandon your religion then hadn't you seeing as that is definitely completely against the norm in our society.


Oh, or is YOUR kind of going against the norm okay, it's just other people's you don't like?


Er, I'm not going around telling everyone "look at me !! - I'm a Muslim !!!"





Are you for real?


Would you skulk around pretending not to be muslim just because it goes against the norm in our society? Would you accept being spat at for "coming out" as a muslim in your workplace?




So stop being a damn hypocrit.


2 points : as before, why would I tell anyone I'm a Muslim ? what's that got to do with being in a workplace ?


One's religion is private (just like their sexuality). There is absolutely no need to tell others you're gay (or religious).


Totally pointless and as mentioned, very unwise (knowing full well how certain people will react).

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2 points : as before, why would I tell anyone I'm a Muslim ? what's that got to do with being in a workplace ?


One's religion is private (just like their sexuality). There is absolutely no need to tell others you're gay (or religious).


Totally pointless and as mentioned, very unwise (knowing full well how certain people will react).


It's not 1950 anymore. Muslims, gays, even the Welsh, can be open about what they are in a workplace and have the full force of the law on their side if some bigot decides to spit at them because of it. You seem to be mixing up endlessly going on about the fact that you're gay/muslim/vegan etc which is tedious with just being able to be open about important aspects of your identity with your colleagues.

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It's not 1950 anymore. Muslims, gays, even the Welsh, can be open about what they are in a workplace and have the full force of the law on their side if some bigot decides to spit at them because of it. You seem to be mixing up endlessly going on about the fact that you're gay/muslim/vegan etc which is tedious with just being able to be open about important aspects of your identity with your colleagues.


There's still no answer as to why there's an apparent need to tell others you're gay. Why can't people keep their sexuality private ?

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There's still no answer as to why there's an apparent need to tell others you're gay. Why can't people keep their sexuality private ?


Because there is an underlying assumption that people are hetrosexual. So it isn't keeping their sexuality private, it's keeping it inaccurate. The normal chit chat in most workplaces will include what did you do at the weekend etc, that means a gay person has to alter the sex of their partner to keep up a pretence if their colleagues don't know they are gay. They are having to create a completely false persona to cover up the fact that they happen to be gay which the majority of people and certainly the law has no issue with.


As a Muslim I presume you're not going to be dead keen to volunteer for the bacon butty run, if everyone knows you're Muslim then they understand why, surely better than having to make excuses which don't refer to your faith?

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Because there is an underlying assumption that people are hetrosexual. So it isn't keeping their sexuality private, it's keeping it inaccurate. The normal chit chat in most workplaces will include what did you do at the weekend etc, that means a gay person has to alter the sex of their partner to keep up a pretence if their colleagues don't know they are gay. They are having to create a completely false persona to cover up the fact that they happen to be gay which the majority of people and certainly the law has no issue with.


As a Muslim I presume you're not going to be dead keen to volunteer for the bacon butty run, if everyone knows you're Muslim then they understand why, surely better than having to make excuses which don't refer to your faith?

Well said :nod:

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There's still no answer as to why there's an apparent need to tell others you're gay. Why can't people keep their sexuality private ?


Because there is an underlying assumption that people are hetrosexual. So it isn't keeping their sexuality private, it's keeping it inaccurate. The normal chit chat in most workplaces will include what did you do at the weekend etc, that means a gay person has to alter the sex of their partner to keep up a pretence if their colleagues don't know they are gay. They are having to create a completely false persona to cover up the fact that they happen to be gay which the majority of people and certainly the law has no issue with.


As a Muslim I presume you're not going to be dead keen to volunteer for the bacon butty run, if everyone knows you're Muslim then they understand why, surely better than having to make excuses which don't refer to your faith?


That's fine if the conversation starts taking a personal tone (through no fault of the gay individual btw), but what many don't understand is why there would be a need to tell others you're gay for no reason whatsoever.


Just walking into your job and crying ''I'm gay ! I'm gay !" is just, well, silly.

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