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Spat at whilst at work.

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The OP hasn't contributed a great deal to the thread he started. He hasn't answered some of the questions asked. Is anyone else beginning to think that this might be a wind up?


Im hoping its just you who thinks im so shallow and twisted to start a thread like this. It did happen and the reason ive not contributed a great deal is i cant believe the can of worms ive opened. I came one here to vent, get it off my chest in the hope it helped. It did help a bit and i thanks the people who have pm'd me and have sadi supporting things on the thread but i can assure you this is not a troll or wind up of any sort.

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That's fine if the conversation starts taking a personal tone (through no fault of the gay individual btw), but what many don't understand is why there would be a need to tell others you're gay for no reason whatsoever.


Just walking into your job and crying ''I'm gay ! I'm gay !" is just, well, silly.


I find your abhorence of equal rights really wierd.

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Ill be completely honest and i say this with a heavy heart.

I didnt show.

I pulled a sickie. It was my last for before a week off so i thought id just avoid the risk of it ruining my holiday. It was probably the cowardly thing to do i accept that but i think i had a better day than if i had gone to work.

With any luck the week away from work will give me time to get over it and them time to reflect. Im corssing my fingers on that one.


Nooooo ! I can't say I blame you though.


Hopefully you're right and there'll be something else to gossip about. Sometimes your problems, certainly a week on, just aren't interesting to other people.


Edit : I'm not diminishing your predicament btw, just acknowledging the fact other people have short attention spans and other stuff to worry about !


Have a good holiday !

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