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Spat at whilst at work.

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Ive been reliuctant to revisit this thread, partly because of how many replies theres been and secondly because im worried about it going further off topic.

Im eternaly greatful for the replies but before i leave this thread alone i want to clear up a few things. This is not me trying to justify myself to anyone, i just feel it would help resolve a few arguments.

!, My username is that for a reason. My family know nothing and i have my reasons for keeping it that way for now.

2, Im not gay by choice. Im made that way although ive tried to deny it for the whole of my 27 years on this earth.

3, Ive tried to change it but i cant.

4, No one from work knows the family, Ive not worked there that long so not really found out all that much about work mates and until now they haddent found out a lot about me.

5, A couple of posts on this thread made me feel really low, far lower than when i started it and boy did i think i was feeling low already...

I want to thank that poster for those. Im not sure what his or her intentions were but all they have done is strengthen my resolve to get through this and be happy with myself and my life.

6, Lots of posts on this thread gave me massive hope.

For those, I owe you :thumbsup:


Thanks. :)


I had to reply to your point number 5.


Please try not to let it get to you. It's THEM who have the problem, not you.


I hope work has improved for you over the last few days. Being spat on just because of who you are is bang out of order and I would at least report it to your Line Manager so that they can keep an eye on the situation.


There are people around (myself included) who'd be happy to lend an ear, should you ever need another vent. :)

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......................whatever the comment, spitting is the most disgusting filthy habit. Certain member of society seem to think it is acceptable to spit in the street, it is NOT. TB is spread this way. I remember being in a taxi and the driver spat out of the window twice, the friend I was with almaost passed out.


Why did the friend you were with pass out, because they were so horrified at the taxi driver spitting out of the window?

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Why did the friend you were with pass out, because they were so horrified at the taxi driver spitting out of the window?


Probably made up to make the story sound better.


Definately the way forward if you get any more aggro on return to work.


100% agree with this.

No one for any reason deserves that to happen to them at work or anywhere else.

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I came out today, i decided to do it at work.

My friend spat at me and told me hed better not see me near his kids.

Ive never met his kids:confused:

Why would me being gay mean his kids are in harms way from me?

I think ill stick to a life in the closet:(


I know there's no getting away from the fact you've been assaulted for no real reason whilst at work, and your colleague shouldn't get away with it. However, is your private sex life something that you should be discussing at work, and do people really want to know? Many might consider themselves there just to earn a living and don't want to be bogged down with colleagues personal lives.


I worked at a big call centre in 2000 where a large number of the male work force where very feminine, gay, computer geeks with scary hair who all competed with each other to be the centre of attention.


One lunch time 10 of us sat together chatting away when 4 of the gay lads started discussing who they had pulled off chat rooms and what they had done down to the absolute graphic detail. This was all happening as a built like a brick carsey skin head sat down at the table with his chips and salad and started to tip salad cream on his food, just at the right moment in our gay colleagues conversation where they mentioned something similar to salad cream. This mad the skinhead nearly throw up, slam his cultery on the table and shout, "you gay fknnn fffff I'm trying to eat, not listen to you lot be crude". The whole dining area went quiet and the skinhead stormed away in discust.


The gay lads concerned filed a complaint that they felt intimidated by this mans agressive hehaviour. However, when the skinhead pointed out, "I don't want to hear straight people talking gaphic when I'm trying to eat" it fell through.


Basically theres a time and a place. Not everyone wants to know your life story. Like many wont like my post lol.

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I know there's no getting away from the fact you've been assaulted for no real reason whilst at work, and your colleague shouldn't get away with it. However, is your private sex life something that you should be discussing at work, and do people really want to know?


The thread's so long at this point, you can be forgiven for not being aware that he's already answered this; yes, they did actually want to know about, and were discussing, his love life. (Of course, they wanted to know about his love life with women, and he quite reasonably explained to them why he doesn't have one.)

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Well I don't have a girlfriend cuz I'm an ugly <removed> lol.

Yes HeadingNorth you are right, his colleagues over reacted to the point of common assault.

Just because, in a free country someone should be able to have a negative viewpoint on specific subjects doesnt given them the write to commit acts of voilence in protest of it.

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