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My hometown fanatics

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is anybody watching this on bbc 3 ? Im appalled by these 'extremists' the so called EDL and islamic extremists why is this happening?


I admit I dont know enough about the muslim culture but surely the radicals are not 'true' muslims how can any religion wish harm and death on another human being :(

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I think you heard what you wanted to hear because throughout that documentary I never heard any Muslim wishing harm or death on Britain.


What I did see and hear were some Muslims campaigning for Shariah (Islamic political system) to be implemented in the UK. They're not doing it with guns or swords or by attacking non Muslims.


Let's turn that around for a minute and see how western nations are puting into power governments in Muslim countries favourable to western interests with guns tanks and bombs. Why are such governments being forced upon Muslims in Muslim countries? Is this not terrorism or extremism? On the other hand Muslims in the west holding up banners calling for Shariah is terrorism and extremism?


You see the problem is people like Abu Hamza, Abu Qautada, Omar Bakri and others have either been imprisoned or been forced to leave the country or face prison while the BNP and EDL leaders who commit exactly the same offence are allowed to continue. These double standards of one rule if you're Muslim and another rule if you're non Muslim is really at the core of the problem. Either ban all the extremists or allow them all the right to campaign for their cause aslong as they're not being violent. The EDL have been violent on nearly every protest and still they're allowed to continue.

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You see the problem is people like Abu Hamza, Abu Qautada, Omar Bakri and others have either been imprisoned or been forced to leave the country or face prison while the BNP and EDL leaders who commit exactly the same offence are allowed to continue.

Not exactly the same offence, is it?

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Not exactly the same offence, is it?


what is it then?


BNP and EDL tell their followers Muslims are rapists, pedophiles and terrorists who want to take over the christian west.


Al Muhajirun and similar groups tell their followers non Muslims are rapists, pedophiles and terrorists who want to take over the Muslim world.


Both sides create a them and us culture in which all Muslims or all non Muslims are seen as the enemy out to destroy the way of life of the other.


Both sides claim they do not advocate violence against any persons but incite hatred against the other by painting them all as rapists, pedophiles and terrorists by nature and thus legitimise violence against the other.


BNP and EDL followers have been caught with bombs planning terrorist attacks but it's not as publicised as when it's Muslims who are aressted.

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I think you heard what you wanted to hear because throughout that documentary I never heard any Muslim wishing harm or death on Britain.


What I did see and hear were some Muslims campaigning for Shariah (Islamic political system) to be implemented in the UK. They're not doing it with guns or swords or by attacking non Muslims.


Let's turn that around for a minute and see how western nations are puting into power governments in Muslim countries favourable to western interests with guns tanks and bombs. Why are such governments being forced upon Muslims in Muslim countries? Is this not terrorism or extremism? On the other hand Muslims in the west holding up banners calling for Shariah is terrorism and extremism?


You see the problem is people like Abu Hamza, Abu Qautada, Omar Bakri and others have either been imprisoned or been forced to leave the country or face prison while the BNP and EDL leaders who commit exactly the same offence are allowed to continue. These double standards of one rule if you're Muslim and another rule if you're non Muslim is really at the core of the problem. Either ban all the extremists or allow them all the right to campaign for their cause aslong as they're not being violent. The EDL have been violent on nearly every protest and still they're allowed to continue.


no I heard and saw it all perfectly and the extremists as well as the edl are ridiculous and punishment should be given to both parties.

you dont protest on the streets shouting 'british police burn in hell'

you certainly dont take your young children to a protest march

and you certainly dont spit at our troops

the EDL is a laugh this is something they want to do since they got banned from football matches and violence does not solve a thing!


what astounds me is these things carry on without a blink from the government :rant:

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