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Skipping technique


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It's all about the rhythm that you're creating, so start with a decent heavy rope which is the right length for you to jump without needing to move your forearms, but not so long that it drags on the ground too much when you have your elbows planted against your sides and flick it over you using your hands and wrists only. Ropes are sold long enough to be used by someone my height, so if you're under 6 feet you may need to shorten it marginally.


Then as Ibey says, the movement is basically a very gentle flick using your wrists and hands only and once you have the movement going then it's a case of rhythm, like learning to use a treadle sewing machine. The rope should carry on its loop continually so you need to learn when you add to its movement, rather than interrupt its movement with a big movement of your hands or wrists.


Once you have that right it's just a case of jumping at the right place. Don't start by swinging too quickly, but you need to be at a certain speed or the rope will have no momentum and you'll have to swing your arms to keep it moving. Try not to look at your feet as a cue to when to jump because by the time you see it approaching your feet it's way too late to jump. Look straight ahead and jump as soon as you register that the rope has passed your eyes.


With a bit of practice you'll get to a rhythm that you can maintain, where you don't need to look at the rope at all because you'll just know that it's coming at a certain tempo and then your jump can get a lot more efficient and you can start gradually increasing the tempo to get more intensity or introducing double swings or other coordination tricks, but don't start too ambitiously until you have the basics.


Hope this makes sense. I spent many hours skipping as a cheap and easy way of keeping fit when I was younger :)

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