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Please help.Advice needed. At my wits end with 2 labs


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Sounds like they think they are pack leader and not you i would create train them so when left alone they are in there create and this will stop the chewing and pooing problem hopefully-as dogs dont like to poo in ther beds. Try changing there food to a lower protein one and one with out all the colourings etc Arden grange or james well beloved are both very good. It all sounds like they need a lot more exercise i would say at least an hour off lead in a morning the same again in the afternoon and a run in the garden during the day as well as last thing at night lots of toys with treats in them to keep them busy. May be try agility classes give both physical and mental stimulation. I would check with the vet that there isnt a medical problem as well. You need to be pack leader and dont let the dominant one be boss. Hope this helps if no luck i know of a good dog behaviourist and they are not to expensive.

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They have Purina at the moment.Not sure if this is okay. They salesperson at Pets at Home said it should be.?


Dont have a crate large enough.

Trouble is my budget is so tight at moment so havent got lots of cash to spend, but thanks for advice.

They did have a crate when they were puppies but of course that is far too small now.

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I feed my lab on Skinners, its a mid range quality food and is cheap in comparison to other of a similar quality. Its VAT free as its a working dogs food, but obviously dont go for the high protien ones.


I used to feed purina too and i swear we got more of the stuff coming out the rear end, than we did going in :suspect:.


Crate wise keep an eye out on here for second had ones or ebay ect. I use a 36" crate for my boy and he has plenty of room to sprawl out, but he's a small working line lab most would need a 42".


Also post over on the lab forums, there is a £10 per year subscription fee but imo it is money very well spent.

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Back to basics would be the way forward. With a particular interest to feeding and nutrition,followed by your personal perception of the problems.


I'll get shot down in flames (i usually do) but there shouldn't be a dominant dog, there may be a dog who is more outgoing and boisterous but your own leadership should dictate behaviour.


Do they graze feed or are they fed at a set time? Grazing is a no no

How are there weights?Excess weight is just like humans, underexercised or greedy.

How frequent are the intermittent events? The dog could be stressing or getting an upset tummy which sets off the resulting behaviour.


Think about a food change,it does have a significant impact on behaviour and habits.

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I work from home so apart from the odd occasion when I am training( I am trainer and advocate) I am available for these dogs.

When I am out I employ a dog walker.

The dogs are walked usually in the morning about 15 minutes, in the afternoon (4pm)usually about 40 minutes with a long ball thrower in the park, but if I am busy just a 20 minute walk. They then get let out before we go to bed (in the garden).Yesterday they were so tired they found it hard walking back home.

They have had toys and still do have them but are bored. Most of them have been eaten.The indestructible ones that you put treats in the middle and the tug of war ropes I still have.

they do have each other for company and are not ever left longer than 3 and a half hours on their own.

I have gone to the shops for just an hour and come back and they have eaten part of the furniture.

The other thing the dominant one does is he scratches at the downstairs door when he wakes about 6.30 to wake us up.

I never know whether this is attention seeking or desperate for the toilet?


They are both neutered.


These dogs need more walking and exercise 15 mins isn't enough for them they are after all working dogs , They need a good 1hour at least morning and night ! also try changing diet to something like james well beloved for working dogs it may be better.

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These dogs need more walking and exercise 15 mins isn't enough for them they are after all working dogs , They need a good 1hour at least morning and night ! also try changing diet to something like james well beloved for working dogs it may be better.


I agree. Labs may look tired when running lots of short fast distances (fetching a ball) but they are designed to keep a good steady trot up all day. My dog has to have at least 2 hours a day of walking out and about and he is a similar build to a lab. Ask him to chase for 30 minutes and he would look tired for about 5 minutes until he recovers then would be good to trot again all day :)


I would also try and spend 15 -30 minutes with each individually learning new tricks/ training. It tires them out mentally. Frozen kongs are good and there is a few toy based games that require a bit of brain and time.


Labs are clever, if he scratches the door and you walk down he associates this with the door being open and something to do. My dog knows the differance between my mobile phone ring and the alarm, the alarm means it is morning walk time as that is what always happens. However change the alarm sound and he does not stir from his bed :hihi: You have to break the association he has with door scratching and you paying him attention (negative or good attention is all good for a dog)


Dogs often chew when stressed or bored. Is something upsetting them? If they are tired enough they should hopefully not be bored.

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You have received some very good advice. I agree that they would benefit from more physical exercise, fun and mental stimulation to both make them think and tire them. Perhaps you could do some training with them, if you can afford at classes but if money is short do this yourself, there are plenty of online free guides. Be warned however training is addictive and you may end up gundog or agility training. :hihi: Labrador forums is also a wealth of ideas and support, £10 per annum well spent. You need to be packleader and set the rules. Crating may help with the toileting and damage limitation, you can get cheaper second hand or online rather than on the High Street.

The destructive behaviour is most likely from boredom but with some work none of the issues they have cannot be overcome. Stick at it, it does get easier and you will be rewarded.:)

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ramble used to be able to go for hours

until she torn her crushios ligament ( sorry spelling )

now all she can do is only half an hour bless her

sometimes we have to leave her at home because

have had a walk already in the morning

but it dose sound like the dominant one is marking his territory

you would be better of having him castrated it will stop him doing this :)

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Back to basics would be the way forward. With a particular interest to feeding and nutrition,followed by your personal perception of the problems.


I'll get shot down in flames (i usually do) but there shouldn't be a dominant dog, there may be a dog who is more outgoing and boisterous but your own leadership should dictate behaviour.


Do they graze feed or are they fed at a set time? Grazing is a no no

How are there weights?Excess weight is just like humans, underexercised or greedy.

How frequent are the intermittent events? The dog could be stressing or getting an upset tummy which sets off the resulting behaviour.


Think about a food change,it does have a significant impact on behaviour and habits.


They are fed just once a day now in the morning. They are extremely muscular fit dogs. No excess weight at all.They dont have any other food, apart from the occasional dog chew.I give them the cigarillo type as they take a while to chew. I am very strict with them in that respect.


Re the events, it varies. But it happened more recently on a regular basis.

I do agree that they are bored. I do play with them and so does my daughter (16 years) when she is in.Its just that I felt that judging by their fitness they get exercise and I didnt consider that they arent walked enough.Maybe Im just not up to it as I do everything I can for them on the limited resources and time that I have. I too am quite fit so it isnt as though they are unhealthy in anyway.

Anyway thanks for all the tips and I will hope that more walking and maybe a change of food again might help.

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I feed my lab on Skinners, its a mid range quality food and is cheap in comparison to other of a similar quality. Its VAT free as its a working dogs food, but obviously dont go for the high protien ones.


I used to feed purina too and i swear we got more of the stuff coming out the rear end, than we did going in :suspect:.


Crate wise keep an eye out on here for second had ones or ebay ect. I use a 36" crate for my boy and he has plenty of room to sprawl out, but he's a small working line lab most would need a 42".


Also post over on the lab forums, there is a £10 per year subscription fee but imo it is money very well spent.

Can you tell me where to get this from? Skinners I mean?



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