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How do you move on??

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how do you move on with your life after everything you've been through?

i cant move on with my life ive tried everything e.g going out, finding work, socialise with friends nothing seems to work. im just hooked on that one person that i cant have and its eating me inside, feel like i wanna runaway and not come back but cant as i have other ppl to think about. even when that person says they moved on i feel jealous and envy coz they can have someone but i cant my life is complicated wish i could turn clock back and i would if i had a power it would to stop time, i hate how im feeling i wish i could have that person in my life i wish i didnt have to choose i wish i never met that person in first place then i wouldnt be in this mess or fall head over in love with him still


How recent was the split?

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Aww, poor you, most of us have been there. My advice would be give yourself time to grieve and reflect on whether you have 'learned' anything from your relationship and your split. Try and plan things to give yourself something to look forward to and set yourself a couple of new challenges, or try something new to give you something else (and positive) to focus on as well as make you feel good about yourself. Once you're over the shock, try and keep busy and give yourself as little time as possible to wallow; 2 months is still very recent so things are bound to still feel very raw. Time is the greatest healer and if you want to move on, you will; the Miss Havershams out there are those who do not wish to move on and get on with their life.

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Give it plenty of time. The mind is amazingly adaptable. Eventually your sub/unconscious will sort out any negative feelings associated with your past and it will feel like it gradually becomes a less and less potent part of your everyday life.


Trust in yourself, depend on nobody, because you are the one who will sort all this out. You have everything you need right here and now to build a new platform for your life. Start moving forward with relentless purpose today.


That's quite nice, what religion does it say that if you don't mind me asking?


Sorry wrong quote. This is PaliRichard

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we split 2months ago


Still pretty recent, then? You are bound to feel pretty raw and vunerable at this stage of the break up. It's still pretty new and you are probably only just getting over the initial shock. All I will say is, grieving is natural so don't feel bad for feeling the way you do. There is no fast or definitive way to get over someone, it's individual, so just be kind to yourself :)

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