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Joining the army what's your views

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You can dress it up any way to like, but the whole purpose of the army is to kill people.


Killing people because of their nationality, killing people because of their beliefs. Killing people because the government tells you to, even though you know it's morally wrong.


This is why I have no respect for anyone in the armed forces. If they went around in civilian life shooting people at random they'd be jailed for life. Just because they do it while dressed in military uniforms doesn't make them heroes.

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We go on and on about how little we trust the rhetoric that comes from our leaders' mouths. Why is it only in times of war that this healthy distrust should be suspended, and we should just "do as we're told" for the apparent good of the nation?


One of the main reasons I would not join the army is because I don't trust the government to only send us to fight when it's absolutely necessary. Elect a government that morally justifies its policy making better than recent governments and my view might change.


I would expect any soldier to thoroughly question the reasons they are sent to "fight for their country". Critical thinking is one thing that separates us from the animal kingdom. Lose that, you might as well shoot yourself in the head.

Well its like when I was in the army I got sent Ireland I have nothing against the Irish people they are lovely people some of the nicest people I have ever met in my life are Irish,the politics of the place or religious beliefs are nothing to do with me, I was in the army and that is were my unit went and I had to go, I could not say no I don't believe my government is right to send me here, all though I did not agree personally with what the government was doing at the time,no I had to go I was a soldier and it was my duty to go there and to do my best and a lot of soldiers payed for that with there life's

Afghanistan what has that got to do with us you mite say but a lot of or young lads have laid there life's down for that country, I don't know myself why we are there anyway, but there are our soldiers buried there from 100s of years ago in fact some of the Taliban are shooting at our soldiers with rifles

like le enfields from the 1930s and old Russian weapons from the 1950s, It does not make any scene I know, but when you put your name on that paper you have to do as you are told and if you are one of the type of people who have to question and analyze everything forget the army life you will never get past go you wont get in.

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Well its like when I was in the army I got sent Ireland I have nothing against the Irish people they are lovely people some of the nicest people I have ever met in my life are Irish,the politics of the place or religious beliefs are nothing to do with me, I was in the army and that is were my unit went and I had to go, I could not say no I don't believe my government is right to send me here, all though I did not agree personally with what the government was doing at the time,no I had to go I was a soldier and it was my duty to go there and to do my best and a lot of soldiers payed for that with there life's

Afghanistan what has that got to do with us you mite say but a lot of or young lads have laid there life's down for that country, I don't know myself why we are there anyway, but there are our soldiers buried there from 100s of years ago in fact some of the Taliban are shooting at our soldiers with rifles

like le enfields from the 1930s and old Russian weapons from the 1950s, It does not make any scene I know, but when you put your name on that paper you have to do as you are told and if you are one of the type of people who have to question and analyze everything forget the army life you will never get past go you wont get in.


The bravery and courage of our soldiers should never be undermined.So many of them are true heroes. I think most people respect that,but the OP should think carefully he would be making the decision of his life,and should make that decision with his eyes wide open!!

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To be brief joining the army was one of the best things I ever did as a teenager.

The life does not suit everyone and can be hard.

It is an individuals choice whether to join or not as there can be serious consequences.

Take notice of those who are serving or have served to get an insight into the lifestyle.

As a married man with children I would tend to look at the RAF as I think it would provide less upheaval.

While I ws serving in the RN, my brother in law was a flight sergeant at Scampton, later at Gutesloh in Germany. I must say his wife, my wife's sister, was transported to Germany much better than my wife to join me in Malta. We were of equivalent rank since I was a Chief Petty Officer. The RAF gives excellent technical training as well. My nephew was a flight sergeant too, served many years s a mechanic for the Red Arrows, his younger brother joined me in the RN, eventually becoming a Petty Officer. Their younger brother is ex RAF, working in Saudi Arabia as a Helicopter mechanic.
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Did it not create any turmoil for you though Tom?


It's highly regretable that so many people (on both sides) have to die, and I think it's very good to look at the reasons why war happens; which I suspect, are possibly not the same reasons we're being fed by our governemts (and those who have a financial vested interest in creating more conflict and war, for their own profit, but to your detriment).


I remember seeing a documentary about a veteran of the Falklands war, who'd met up with the Argentine pilot he thought he'd killed during the conflict (and for years, this chap had been in turmoil over this 'killing'). They we're both very emotional at their meeting (the argie wasn't killed, and managed to eject etc), and you came away with the feeling that they'd seen something of humanity in each other, that transcended nationality.


I'm not saying it's always wrong to fight; hell no. For defence against an agressor, it seems justified to defend in a most effective way (or better still, to prevent the conflict from happening in the first place). All I'm saying, is we need to be aware of the reasons why. We need to know, that the soldiers representing us, are not being duped.


Right now, I don't think we have any kind of transprancy and honesty from govt. about reasons for war. I suspect we're generally fed a pack of lies designed to placate the civillian population. We need to know. I guess the good news is, with the growth of the internet, it's becoming harder for governments to inhibit the flow of information. Then I guess that's a whole new territory, the war over information and propoganda.

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Its a shame that the likes of "Depoix" does not post on here anymore, some of the views on 'our boys' are appalling and those that have posted them like wobblygob should be damn ashamed of themselves. Rather apt name if you ask me. If Hitler had won the war, the likes of you would be the first sniffing gas :rant:

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Did it not create any turmoil for you though Tom?


It's highly regretable that so many people (on both sides) have to die, and I think it's very good to look at the reasons why war happens; which I suspect, are possibly not the same reasons we're being fed by our governemts (and those who have a financial vested interest in creating more conflict and war, for their own profit, but to your detriment).


I remember seeing a documentary about a veteran of the Falklands war, who'd met up with the Argentine pilot he thought he'd killed during the conflict (and for years, this chap had been in turmoil over this 'killing'). They we're both very emotional at their meeting (the argie wasn't killed, and managed to eject etc), and you came away with the feeling that they'd seen something of humanity in each other, that transcended nationality.


I'm not saying it's always wrong to fight; hell no. For defence against an agressor, it seems justified to defend in a most effective way (or better still, to prevent the conflict from happening in the first place). All I'm saying, is we need to be aware of the reasons why. We need to know, that the soldiers representing us, are not being duped.


Right now, I don't think we have any kind of transprancy and honesty from govt. about reasons for war. I suspect we're generally fed a pack of lies designed to placate the civillian population. We need to know. I guess the good news is, with the growth of the internet, it's becoming harder for governments to inhibit the flow of information. Then I guess that's a whole new territory, the war over information and propoganda.

I don't know about turmoil but I was glad to get away, it was 6 months of solid fear you never knew who was your enemy there, and you never knew were it was going to come from,I never fought in the Falklands my unit went there a bit after to do some repair work, the thing that sticks out in my mind was a pile of dead Argentine bodies left there just covered up with a canvas sheet,things like one of them had no boots on and he had a hole in his sock and his big toe was sticking out, his eyes were up in his head he only looked a young lad, what waste of human life I thought all for a poxy little bit of land like that.

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I think if you've got kids, probably look at doing something else.


It's okay if you're a kid and don't have a lot to miss at home, but missing your partner and kids might drive you crazy.


And once you're in, you're in for however many years they make you stay.

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Really... I am sure the poor souls my grandfather liberated at Bergen-Belsen would agree :)


Don't you see Agent Orange, this is precisely why people feel so strongly against war, and blind unquestioning patriotism.


It's exactly because it allows this kind of thing to happen, and we don't want others to suffer and come to harm. If every German civilian and soldier had had the courage to follow their own convictions, and risked standing up to authority, maybe there would have been no Bergen-Belsen. :)

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Don't you see Agent Orange, this is precisely why people feel so strongly against war, and blind unquestioning patriotism.


It's exactly because it allows this kind of thing to happen, and we don't want others to suffer and come to harm. If every German civilian and soldier had had the courage to follow their own convictions, and risked standing up to authority, maybe there would have been no Bergen-Belsen. :)


In a perfect world, yes.

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