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Joining the army what's your views

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I take it you were in the forces then?



To the OP.. Please don't join as its unnecessary evil and you may also end up with an attitude like the above. Unfortunately when jobs are scarce then joining the armed forces seems a good option.


I have 2 family members in the forces and I can tell you now that they have been brainwashed so much that they now have a very aggressive attitude to anyone Irish and now Muslims.


Yes, the armed forces are evil.


Oddly, I have served and have many friends who are serving, both in the regs and in the reserves, not all share your relation's views. Yes, there are some that do, but you get silly extreme views in all walks of life, not just in the armed forces. To believe otherwise would be naive to say the least.

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I can't understand how this thread is helping the op at all given how its veered so far into politics and propaganda and snide comments. Truth is, whether anyone likes it or not, we need a military presence and if we didn't have volunteers, they would take them by force anyway, so seems to me that we should be supporting the men that HAVE stepped up to the mark, so that the objectors can stay safely at home....

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Thinking about this very hard as it's a big decision I am 25 and have two kids what's your views thanks


Just brought this forward as a reminder as to the op's question....


Can't really enter into any argument discussions regarding the politics of it cos I admit I don't know enough about them. Couple of thing I learned as a service wife....

"if in doubt, keep out."

"don't start what you can't finish"

"put up or shut up"


So that's what I'm going to do...shut up.

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The OP should have done the sensible thing and gone down to his local recruiting office and had a chat with the recruiting officer, gone home, talked it over with his wife and weighed up the pros and cons. In the end only he will know what's the best thing to do anyway

Asking advice on the forum is just begging it to turn into the usual three ringed circus.

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Not every soldier gets sent to a battle front,my first post was Cypress what a nice time I had there, then the Turks invaded the island and it was a bit scary then, we had been on leave and I was on my way back to the barracks and I can remember seeing these helicopters flying every where I thought what are they doing must be some sort of maneuver or something gets to the barracks and there are people running everywhere shouting the Turks are invading the island,I stood there and thought what do I do know I'm only 18 I don't want to die.I had visions of these blokes with big raggy tashers chasing me with there knifes I never fired a shot in the end, the first Turk I met was from London and he spoke with Cockney accent and was asking me if I knew how Arsenal were getting on,I had some good times in the army they looked after me and my family,no its not all about killing and war yes you put your self on the line but the rewards are far more than any drawback its a good life and a fit life to, there are a lot of different units to choose from and depending on what your character and education is determines what part of the army you can join, they want all sorts in the army we were not all bloodthirsty killers like some people think all though the British army did have a reputation for ruthlessness and aggregation.

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The OP should have done the sensible thing and gone down to his local recruiting office and had a chat with the recruiting officer, gone home, talked it over with his wife and weighed up the pros and cons. In the end only he will know what's the best thing to do anyway

Asking advice on the forum is just begging it to turn into the usual three ringed circus.

Good advice that Harleyman.

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When politicians screw up and diplomacy falls flat on it's face it's the military who get stuck with cleaning up the mess.

There are no politics in the military, just brothers in arms



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