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Joining the army what's your views

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Ex wife of an ex Royal Marine here. He was already in the Marines when we got married. Went on to have two childen and he went on doing what Marines do. Join the army by all means but looking at some of your previous posts, you seem to like playing war games on computers and those other things:?: Army life is not a game.

Imagine comeing back from a tour of duty and seeing your little girl clinging to her mummy instead of running to you and asking mummy, "who is that man mummy:?:".....yes they grow up that quick.

Imagine your wife being stuck with caring alone for your children and not even being able to call you to share any problems that might come up....you probably wouldn't be able to carry your mobile around with you whist on duty.

When my ex finished his nine years, he wasn't the same lad I married....that's why he's an ex.

I'm not knocking the army but be sure it's for the right reasons for starters and you WILL need her support. Think hard, then think again is what I say....good luck.

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Wow thank you all for taking time to write on here and my kids are 2 and my lil girl is 11 month

If you do decide to join carefully consider what you want to do in the army and see what the different regiments and corps offer.

As an older recruit you may be best looking at a corp and see what trades you may be eligible to train for with your qualifications.

As a married man and father you need to realise there is always the possibility of death or injury and so it is important for you and your family to be in agreement.

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I would suggest you to join it. It would provide you a disciplined life and chances of going around famous places in your own country as well as outside world.


I wouldn't have thought the chance to go sightseeing would be a good enough reason to join the army with the inherent danger that being shot at and blown up brings.


There are plenty of other careers to consider if sightseeing is a priority.

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Nobody's going to force you to join the army dont worry


Mate. stop trolling.


1: I couldn't join the Army if I wanted to (and I don't), they only accept able bodied people, and the MOD are exempt from the DDA.


2: I don't play COD or MOH, as I don't like them.

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Do its a grate life if you can take to it, you will do and see thing most people dream about, I was in the engineers they looked after me and my family and I traveled the world and never had a moments regret,the hardest part is the recruitment period that is when a lot of people give up, but the army is not like that once you pass your recruitment period you go on to your unit and it is more like a job than anything, if you can get in the engineers they will teach you life skills and a trade that will help you when you have finished your time.

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I have very littly sympathy with the ill-informed spouting of tirades against the military.


I do not subscribe to the "very soldier a hero" attitude, but to state that a soldier cannot, by definition, be a decent human being is simply stupid.

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What a mug! :loopy:


Fighting for Queen Elizabeth in her illegal wars.


To consolidate the Zionists agenda for a New World Order (funny how Adholf Hitler wrote two books, One was called Mein Camp, the Other "New World Order".


Then you hear Gordon Brown and George Bush using the same terms.


You have Nazis in power and your too blind to see it.


So far: 1 million+ brown people from Iraq dead. They never found WMD because it was all make believe.


They managed to steal the oil though.



Next illegal war, Afganistan:


Mission: Replant poppy fields after the taliban wiped them out. The CIA needs that drug money to fund thier black ops.


Build a pipeline through Afganistan connecting, Azerbaijan.




Next illegal war:

Libya: Why? because Gaddafi told Obama he wanted payment for oil in gold rather than dollars, as Gaddaffi knows that the Globalists are going to crash the dollar and try and introduce a one world currency.


They are doing this through a process known as Quantitive easing (Print money out of fresh air), which devalues the currency and will create hyper inflation.



Watch all these documentaries before making your decision:




Finally I am part of the 99% if you want to fight for the 1% go ahead, i will have no sympathy for you when you come back in a body bag (your choice sucker).

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