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Joining the army what's your views

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What a mug! :loopy:


Fighting for Queen Elizabeth in her illegal wars.


To consolidate the Zionists agenda for a New World Order (funny how Adholf Hitler wrote two books, One was called Mein Camp, the Other "New World Order".


Then you hear Gordon Brown and George Bush using the same terms.


You have Nazis in power and your too blind to see it.


So far: 1 million+ brown people from Iraq dead. They never found WMD because it was all make believe.


They managed to steal the oil though.



Next illegal war, Afganistan:


Mission: Replant poppy fields after the taliban wiped them out. The CIA needs that drug money to fund thier black ops.


Build a pipeline through Afganistan connecting, Azerbaijan.




Next illegal war:

Libya: Why? because Gaddafi told Obama he wanted payment for oil in gold rather than dollars, as Gaddaffi knows that the Globalists are going to crash the dollar and try and introduce a one world currency.


They are doing this through a process known as Quantitive easing (Print money out of fresh air), which devalues the currency and will create hyper inflation.



Watch all these documentaries before making your decision:




Finally I am part of the 99% if you want to fight for the 1% go ahead, i will have no sympathy for you when you come back in a body bag (your choice sucker).


What has the above got to do with life in the army?

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Now, back on subject. Ignoring all the irrelevant rants, life in the army is what you make it. Yes, there are good and bad times, but overall, if you join up with an open mind then I cannot see why you wouldn't enjoy it. As someone stated, training is tough, but thereafter it does get easier.


You have plenty of time on your side, so if you want to get a taste of army life before committing to the regulars, you should think about doing a stint with the reserves. That way, if you decide it's not for you, you can leave pretty easily.


What would you like to do in the army?

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Finally I am part of the 99% if you want to fight for the 1% go ahead, i will have no sympathy for you when you come back in a body bag (your choice sucker).


Hardly the considered and rational voice of a man with true insight and understanding, is it?

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I think it's downright evil; unless, you're *fully* aware of the agenda of those above directing you.


On that basis, there are very few jobs open to any of us. I certainly cannot claim to be *fully* aware of the agenda of those above directing me. Can you?

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You have chosen the wrong place to ask unfortunately. You'll get allsorts of wild and wacky responses. You've already got three pages of them (okay some sensible).

It's going to be probably one of THE most important and fundamental decisions of your life. Discuss it with family and friends and make sure you are doing it for the right reasons. Be prepared for plenty of upheaval, being shouted at, being at the bottom rung of a very big ladder.

What advice I would give is this, and I'm with Hotrock on this. If you have a little bit of intelligence or common sense about you, then join the RAF. It's a far better life than the Army. I've just taken redundancy after 18 wonderful years. Hotrock; I was a RAF copper...you lot were my bread and butter, but enjoyed the banter nevertheless. Seriously, does it have to be the Army? There are better options...Per Ardua.

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