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Joining the army what's your views

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Thinking about this very hard as it's a big decision I am 25 and have two kids what's your views thanks


Im 15 and already applied for the army should be able to properly join in 4 months time just go in and talk to the cerrer adviser and after you do basic training you can decide if its for you

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I have very littly sympathy with the ill-informed spouting of tirades against the military.


I do not subscribe to the "very soldier a hero" attitude, but to state that a soldier cannot, by definition, be a decent human being is simply stupid.


perfectly put imo

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If that other human being was trying to take your country over and kill you and your family would you still have the same opinion.


But our soldiers arn't defending our country. We always get ourselves involved in other peoples civil wars.


Who are we to say whether that country's government or rebals are in the right/wrong?


Yet we take sides, get involved, create a puppet government, then 30 years later a new enemy (that used to be our friends) appears.

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But our soldiers arn't defending our country. We always get ourselves involved in other peoples civil wars.


Who are we to say whether that country's government or rebals are in the right/wrong?


Yet we take sides, get involved, create a puppet government, then 30 years later a new enemy (that used to be our friends) appears.


Practice makes perfect.

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Ex wife of an ex Royal Marine here. He was already in the Marines when we got married. Went on to have two childen and he went on doing what Marines do. Join the army by all means but looking at some of your previous posts, you seem to like playing war games on computers and those other things:?: Army life is not a game.

Imagine comeing back from a tour of duty and seeing your little girl clinging to her mummy instead of running to you and asking mummy, "who is that man mummy:?:".....yes they grow up that quick.

Imagine your wife being stuck with caring alone for your children and not even being able to call you to share any problems that might come up....you probably wouldn't be able to carry your mobile around with you whist on duty.

When my ex finished his nine years, he wasn't the same lad I married....that's why he's an ex.

I'm not knocking the army but be sure it's for the right reasons for starters and you WILL need her support. Think hard, then think again is what I say....good luck.

I served 18 years in the RN, I was married for 12 of those years, and spent maybe 6 of those years at sea on Carriers. But we stuck it out together. Then I got out, worked as a field engineer in electonics, away from home in places like Yugoslavia before she read an advert looking of technicians in Montreal, and dragged me off to Canada. Best thing I ever did. Had a successful career from my Navy training. Moved to the US in 1977, and sadly lost my wife in a terrible crash in 1979 which left my son and I in bad shape. I married again in 1982, and been happy with her ever since. Without the RN nothing like this could have happened.:)
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I'm self-employed, so, I am self-directed.


But sure, yes, you can't really be 100% sure of anything; however, if your job involves killing other human beings, do you think there is any need to find out for yourself, exactly why you'll be doing that?


"Self-directed" to the extent that your clients permit, I assume.


If I applied your logic to daily life, I could state that nobody should drive a car unless they are willing to accept that they might injure or kill someone. Do you expect every taxi driver to conduct an in-depth analysis of their passenger's true motivation before accepting the fare?

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If you're a not very bright borderline psycho who enjoys killing people then you're ideal army material.


If on the other hand you're an intelligent person who thinks it's morally wrong to take the life of another human being then don't even think about it.


On the other hand if you have guts, a sense of pride in yourself and your nation and are able and willing to put your life on the line for let's face it moral and physical cowards. Who will hide behind the very rights you will ensure are protected, to insult you. If you can do this without finding these cancer cells that tap away on keyboards and pulling it's lungs out. Your the right kind of man for the job. When your in, if you join, it's a way of life. Civvies are irrelevant. Join up become the tip of the sword. The above post means about as much as pig waste.

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To be brief joining the army was one of the best things I ever did as a teenager.

The life does not suit everyone and can be hard.

It is an individuals choice whether to join or not as there can be serious consequences.

Take notice of those who are serving or have served to get an insight into the lifestyle.

As a married man with children I would tend to look at the RAF as I think it would provide less upheaval.

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