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Did You Live On The Manor Estate In The 50s And 60s?


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Any one remember Avril Coates who lived on Harborough Ave.

And Billy Reaney who lived further up the Manor.[/

Yes I remember Avril Coates, she went to school with Ann Wheelhouse. The Buxtons were Mary, Lynne, Annette, Robert and Michelle I think. Ann Wheelhouse lived on The Crossways, and the Buxtons were on Fretson Road, along with some Littlers.

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Does anyone remem ber Ann Bramall, who lived on Dawlands Close, off Prince of Wales Road. Also the first self service shop I ever went in was the Maypole which opened on Prince of Wales Road around 1958. We were amazed by having to help ourselves. It felt like we were shoplifting.

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  • 1 month later...
I remember Maureen Straw who used to work at post office ont' Manor. We used to shop around there at Unwins grocers and Gebharts pork butchers. Gebharts always immaculately clean! Across the road was Hagues fish 'n chip shop!


Just seen your note about the shops near Hagues Chip Shop. I lived at 77 Fairleigh and my husband lived at 22 Fretson Road. We left school 1954/55 and have been married 50 years in September this year.

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  • 3 years later...
I lived on Darcy Close until 1968. I know some of the names you mentioned but only because I knew their relations. I was in the same class as Brian Jacob's brother, Kevan; I was an aquaintence of Jimmy White's sister, Janet; and Brian Elgie (some relative of Norman's?)went out with my friend for a while. Tony Wespy was my Auntie's neighbour on Paulet Road. I only remember him as a respectable single bloke.


I am sorry that I can't give you any up to date news about them.


I travel down Prince of Wales Road quite often and I still think that the view from there is spectacular. I also thought that we had the best shopping centre back then. I loved Wilkinson's chip shop, and the bilberry tarts, apple tarts and custards from Tomlinsons. I also remember the novelty of Bates beer off opening, buying threepenny packets of ready salted Golden Wonder crisps and being given a free can opener every time I bought a canned pop. I can remember my Mum's share number for the Co-op, and I still have the foreign dolls I got free by sending packet tops from washpowder bought from 'the Meadah' (Meadow).


Does anyone remember playing in the flag yard and the air raid shelters next to Pipworth School (even though we were constantly told not to by Miss Warren, the Headmistress?)[/Remember QUOTE]

Remember Brian Elgy well still see him in the club


---------- Post added 06-11-2015 at 16:50 ----------


Know Paul Bullivant very well


---------- Post added 06-11-2015 at 16:56 ----------



Do you remember anybody called phil inkler, brian skidmore, andrew williams or paul bullivant? great people at the time, what things we got up to!!!


I do remember the chippie a lot,and the post office ha ha!

Know Paul very well


---------- Post added 06-11-2015 at 18:14 ----------


Philip Glenn the Paul Bullivant you know was he with someone called Dawn Mellor?

Now he did go out with a girl by that name ?

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  • 3 months later...
Remembered some more names of people living in houses bordering 'the field' on Harborough Avenue: Swift, Ward, Fenton, Cowlishaw, Hobson, Doherty and a lad we called Ronnie Onions but I can't remember his real name.


We left 92 Fairliegh in 1952, I was only 5 but still remember the local shops. Unfortunately peoples names are very vague, I do remember Sergeant Dusforge who also lived on Fairleigh, can you imagine a police officer living on The Manor today?


This is interesting, for me at least.

I used to go trainspotting in the sixties and regularly bumped into a group of lads from the Manor amongst whom I remember the names Paul Fenton, Ronnie Onions (I don't know if that's his real name either) and Alan Dagnall. Be interesting to know what happened to them all. There was a slightly older lad who knocked around with them who had a camera (rarity in those impoverished times). I was included in a number of photographs that he took at Darnall, Doncaster and both Sheffield stations and I'd be happy to see the results some 50-odd years later.


I was at secondary school with a Desforges. His dad was a policeman and the lad had been to St Theresa's school on Prince of Wales Road so I guess he's the same family.

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Yes I remember Valerie we were in the same class at school.I think her brother was called Joseph. We used to play in the"fishpond"opposite their house.



Hi Rueben! Val is my cousin but unfortunately we lost contact..I now live in Donny! Joseph is our cousin.. Her brother was Doug! I can remember having fantastic times playing in the fishpond although I was never very good at climbing over the railings! Our Joe used to give me a shove! I lived on Fitzhubert road just the top side of Cary Road but left the Manor in 1961 returning in 1968. Do you remember Marilyn Sears that lived on the Crecscent and Mrs Reynolds?

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