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Pub in Sheff where we can reserve an area & allows kids on Easter Sun


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Hi everyone,


i'm hoping you can help me please, i'm wanting to arrange a gathering for a special occasion to be held on Easter Sunday, probably from around 1pm til 5/6ish and would like to know if anyone has any suggestions on places that I could reserve/hire and would allow kids.


It's really just a place to meet up with all our family and friends informally rather than having a party at evening with the cheesy disco etc, plus as a lot of us have kids (quite a few little babies) and taking them to a party is a no no. At least this way, the kids can come along to see the family and friends. My parents will take our little one home and they'll have him for the night so we can stay out a bit longer :D


I'd prefer somewhere nice where the drinks are not too expensive, we're based in central Sheffield and have family all over Sheffield,


thanks a lot



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Ooops forgot that piece of info!! There could be about 100 people coming along but not necessarily all at the same time.


It's difficult to know for definite as we can't send the invites out until around 3 weeks before Easter Sunday as the reason for the gathering is a surprise until 3 weeks before the date!


If there could be somewhere that does food that I can pay someone to put some nibbles on or something, nothing flash.


I wasn't really wanting a function room as then there won't be the atmosphere of being with the rest of the pub if that makes sense? I could be wrong though.


thank you

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tbh, you're probably best off with a function room, as it's easier to 'reserve' this kind of space, and it'll be easier for your nibbles/whatever to be served, plus you won't have any grumbles about letting your kids play in the middle of the floor with each other, or have to worry about who they're talking to at other tables


If you've got 100 people coming and going, you'll have enough atmosphere on your own!

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Yeah i guess i might have to then. i'll have a look at the numbers again, but I think it could be around 80-100.


Do you have any suggestions of nice places that hold around 60+ people (i dont want a huge room and it look empty as that would be awful!! I'd feel a right saddo!

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tbh, if you've got a number of kids, you'll want the space


when our wedding guest list dropped from 120 to 90 the hotel wanted to move us to a different function room as people can find that extra space intimidating and not use the dancefloor - not in our family :hihi: The extra space was fantastic for the kids to run round in!


Are you looking for town centre or further out?


Ask what's available as a sound system too. Background music helps, and if they can feed an iPod through the speakers in the room, that's a bonus :)

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would prefer somewhere in or near town but not essential.

i love bars but not for family, i want somewhere that is laid back and everyone can feel comfortable, even the oldies!!


Yes background music will be good, good idea, i'm rubbish at all of this!!!!


Is there a website to search for pubs with function rooms?

thank you for your help btw, sorry i'm so useless at all of this!!

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we went through this booking a place for H's naming party, and wound up with a hall/club that fitted the bill... but it was in Wallasey


Working mens clubs may be your best option, or sports clubs (isn't there one at the top of meadowhead that is available for hire?) The beer's usually cheaper in those places too ;)


church halls are another option, but you'll usually have to sort your own beer out (check what you need re a licence)

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