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DEPRESSION and anxiety/panic attacks ..

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I'm supposed to do this but can't see how talking about the abuse I suffered and talking about post traumatic stress disorder and how it makes me feel.

Can solve my problems, Iv done pills for years and shrinks I agree with the OP.

I too feel my life will always be effected by the PTS.

And that I'm never going to be able to get past it.

Every time I feel I am getting close to dealing with it I relaps.

Back in to being depressed every day and struggling with flash backs ect.


There seems to be a lot on here about CBT.

I have to say that when I was diagnosed with depression after suffering all the usual panic attack type things, I was recommended to visit a particular guy who did encourage me to talk. He very skilfully took me back in time until we pinpointed sometime around the age of six when something happened. No abuse or anything like that just a point in time which affected me.

Based on this we worked forward in time until I felt that I understood what was causing the problems.

What my man did say was that it will happen again but to learn how to cope and deal with it.

As said elsewhere on this thread I no longer think I am going to die everytime I am placed outside of my comfort zone and have a very supportive wife who recognises when things are starting to build up and makes sure that I am encouraged to deal with it.

Good luck and hope everything goes ok.

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  • 4 months later...

I have already posted about anxiety in the past, but recently it has worsened to the point where i daren't go out other than to work or with my boyfriend-

A few weeks ago I had severe anxiety and was suicidal for a week. I have never felt so insane/sad/hollow in my entire life. It was hard for my boyfriend as he doesn't understand depression or anxiety, he is always happy and doesn't (and rightly so) have any confidence issues etc.

He just kept saying 'youve just got to pull yourself together and stop crying... if you do that again i'll leave you cos this is ridiculous'. My mum eventually had to take me to the doctors as a first step, and they put me on tramazadone (tranq). Now I'm like a zombie.

I can't drink- especially if I am out with work, as I panic about what I have said/ done the night before to the point where it is literally all weekend and I am unable to sleep relax.

All my friends drink regularly, particularly at the weekend, or do uppers like coke, pills, mkat, mdma etc so if anyone else is in a similar situation I'd love some advice from someone thats not going to put me on tranqs.



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Life is the gravy train in comparison to these guys http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-17183171


Typical of someone that chooses to ignore the fact that mental health problems can be JUST as debilitating as physical problems. And just the same as a physical problem, we cannot choose whether or not we have one.

People die from mental health issues

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I have already posted about anxiety in the past, but recently it has worsened to the point where i daren't go out other than to work or with my boyfriend-

A few weeks ago I had severe anxiety and was suicidal for a week. I have never felt so insane/sad/hollow in my entire life. It was hard for my boyfriend as he doesn't understand depression or anxiety, he is always happy and doesn't (and rightly so) have any confidence issues etc.

He just kept saying 'youve just got to pull yourself together and stop crying... if you do that again i'll leave you cos this is ridiculous'. My mum eventually had to take me to the doctors as a first step, and they put me on tramazadone (tranq). Now I'm like a zombie.

I can't drink- especially if I am out with work, as I panic about what I have said/ done the night before to the point where it is literally all weekend and I am unable to sleep relax.

All my friends drink regularly, particularly at the weekend, or do uppers like coke, pills, mkat, mdma etc so if anyone else is in a similar situation I'd love some advice from someone thats not going to put me on tranqs.



Before you posted today,no one had posted since March,i expect thats why no one has responded.I expect you have read through the thread people that suffer with depression have given good advice.

Sorry i can't advice you,perhaps you are more in need of a listener then an advisor,you did say you had seen your GP,don't hesitate to go back if you are feeling really bad,and ask about counselling. I hope you receive the treatment that is right for you,and that you will soon feel much better.

All my best wishes.

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hi hope this helps 5 yrs this yr i had a brain tumour i had part removed my consultant told me my panic attacks were brought on by the tumour thankfully i dont get many now but you have to have them to realise how scary it can be i hope everyone on forum have helped you good luck :) i put it down to shock to the system

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  • 3 weeks later...
Have you ever read a book called 'self help for your nerves' by claire weekes?

I started with panic attacks and was diagnosed as having acute anxiety and panic disorder when I was 21. I am now 37.

I do still have them from time to time but when I do I am usually able to carry on as normal.

The book I mention was the best thing I ever read. I can't really explain why, apart from it was the first time that I felt like someone actually knew what I was going through and gave me ways of dealing with it.

When I first started with them i was on antidepressants, anti-anxiety medication, tranquilisers and painkillers...a total of 18 tablets each day, so I know how bad it can get. I also didn't leave my house for over four months.

A combination of this book and learning to relax by a method that involves relaxing each of your muscle groups one by one is what started to make me feel like I had control again.

It isn't an overnight recovery from an illness like this but it IS possible to get past them and live a normal life with only the odd panic attack once every few months.

This is a link to the book... http://www.amazon.co.uk/Self-Help-Your-Nerves-overcoming/dp/0722531559/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1329949946&sr=8-1

I have honeslty bought about 8 copies as every time I heard of someone having panic attacks I gave them my copy. Once they had them they wouldn't give them back, so I had to buy another...and another .....and another lol


Hi SarahJane


Just had a look at your link for the book you recommend and on amazon you can preview it. I have just read the preview and ordered the book immediately. I am in tears as I just think she is describing me ! (as i am sure other people reading it will think that too)


Ive had panic attacks and Anxiety coupled with depression before (10 years ago) after nearly losing my Mum and its back with a vengeance. I am on Fluoxitine at the moment and they are yet to kick in.


To know you are not alone when you feel as though you are going insane or indeed dying is a relief and a blessing in itself.


Thank you so much for the recommendation.

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Have you tried Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)?


I suffer with panic attacks and anxiety, I am having this at the moment I am not many sessions in I hope it helps. I had counselling for a while but I feel like I needed another session.

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Good luck to everyone on here suffering anxiety or panic attacks, I hope you are successful getting help with it, mental health problems are very complex and difficult to deal with and hard to explain to those not suffering as they can never understand what you are going through, I know myself good luck people. :)

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