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Wife of Iranian nuke scientist - "His goal was the annihilation of Israel"

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The wife of the recently deceased nuclear scientist in Iran.


The wife of Mostafa Ahmadi Roshan, who was deputy director of the Natanz uranium enrichment facility, told the Fars News Agency in an interview published Tuesday that "Mostafa's ultimate goal was the annihilation of Israel."


So the right man was got.


Perhaps now we can stop debating Iran's intentions, as they seem clear as day - and start debating over what to do about the mad Mullahs and their regime.





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Just saw this too, the Iranian regime, the gift that keeps giving.


It seems you have the same goal, just with a different target in mind.


Just to make this clear for the umpteenth time.


His target, all Israel.

Our target, all illegal nuclear sites.


Comprende? Coz I can simplify it even more if you like?


He not likey Israel, we not likey nuclear armageddon.


Happy to help.

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I had hoped that by not responding to your posts in the other thread, it might have given you a 'hint' that I'm not interested in debating with you.


And do you know what, we're not interested in the constant tit for tat Israeli - Palestinian propaganda threads you and a small number of other posters (who are probably just two people with multiple accounts) keep starting - particularly as you don't contribute to any great length on any other threads.

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They are illegal under Iranian Law are they?


Or do you mean under some other law that doesn't apply to Iran. The same law that would mean it is illegal for Israel to have nukes? Where are you calling for Israels nuclear facilities to be bombed?


This what I mean you see, I believe you should apply the laws equally, you do not.


They are illegal under the voluntary NNPT of which Iran is a signatory and Israel is not.

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iran is not trustworthy and that is the issue. they had a secret nuclear research program for years while they publicly denied it even after signing the nuclear no-proliferation pact. they have been offered help in developing light water reactors and have refused. the only countries that defend iran are those who want to profit from them and are only supporting iran for purely selfish reasons.

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And do you know what, we're not interested in the constant tit for tat Israeli - Palestinian propaganda threads you and a small number of other posters (who are probably just two people with multiple accounts) keep starting - particularly as you don't contribute to any great length on any other threads.


Is that the royal we? Coz I see a lot of interest in these threads on these boards.

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The NNPT isn't actually law. If it were, those countries with nuclear power would be bound by the treaty to share their nuclear technology where it pertains to non-weapon usage. Interestingly, US law specifically precludes this from happening, in direct contravention to the treaty.


It also does not provide for any action to be taken against any nation who fails to abide by the treaty.


Like most "international law" it's subject to interpretation and arguments can be made about who is and isn't living up to their obligations. However even the slickest haired "international lawyer" could not argue that a fundamental part of the treaty for NNWS isn't "we won't try to aquire nuclear weapons". So Iran has voluntarilly agreed not to aquire nukes. Israel, who you were comparing them with, has not. So saying "why can't Iran have nukes because Israel has them?" ignores the fact that Israel never agreed not to build them. Which is their right.

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