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Wife of Iranian nuke scientist - "His goal was the annihilation of Israel"

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no it's not illegal. It's just stupid. Anybody who thinks that knows nothing about either Israel, or Nazis.


Right so the person that said it was was talking out of their backside ?




The EU's guidelines on anti-semitism list examples of this form of racism.


One of the most prominent examples of anti-semitism the EU guidelines highlight, is the odious tendency by some to compare Israelis to Nazis.


Oh yeh, that person that said it was the OP so no change there then.

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all the Gulf states have been warming up to Israel for years, especially Qatar which now of course has diplomatic contact at official levels with Israel. But it's not just Qatar. It's all of them - even the Saudis.


but it won't just be them that will be jumping for joy in private if by a miracle Israel does manage to take out Iran's nuclear potential, just like 30 years ago they took out Iraq's at Osirak (and which, that time, resulted in the Iranians jumping for joy, and thankful for Israel).


the Turks and the Egyptians will be just the same. Gleeful in private, but careful to issue the harshest condemnation about the brutal Israelis in public. Can't wait actually. It's going to be funny to watch.

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The Israelis have the choicest pick of state-of-the art weaponry, not only the best from America, but also from Russia, China and France, while the Syrian Government are mainly relying on Victorian-era heavy field guns and small arms such as Brownings and Kalashnikovs, etc.
Tyranna, you're funny :). Precisely what "best" Russian, Chinese and French military equipment do the Israelis possess these days please? To the best of my knowledge, the only Russian gear the Israelis use is that captured from the Arabs in various wars - little to none of it could ever be described as "best". I'm 99.99% sure they've never had any Chinese gear and the French stopped supplying them in 67/68.


The Syrians are equipped almost exclusively with Soviet-era kit, NOT "Victorian-era heavy field guns". Let's not mention the Syrians chemical weapons and their ballistic missile inventory. When all is said and done though, it's "just" an Arab military, so not impossible to beat.


Any attack by the west and/or Israel would need to be on a large scale, to prevent (as much as possible) retaliatory strikes. And for what benefit?


It does make you wonder why, if the Arab League is so concerned about the situation in Syria, that Arab nations aren't sending their forces to neighbouring Arab countries with a view to toppling the Assad regime themselves. Oh, hang on, I think I see a slight flaw in that suggestion...

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Since the sole and only purpose of nuclear weapons is to blow up your enemies, I would say that it is very much the business of any country that Iran considers to be an enemy. Wouldn't you?


That is completely wrong and not shown to be factually true.


Many countries have nuclear weapons and given all the wars since WW2 no country has actually used them in a war. Having Nukes is a strong defensive tact and gives out the message of don't mess with us. That's one of the reasons that it would be suicide for a country such as Iran to use one even if they did produce a viable bomb in the future.


I doubt that the Iraq war would have taken place if Iraq had a Nuke capability.

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all the Gulf states have been warming up to Israel for years, especially Qatar which now of course has diplomatic contact at official levels with Israel. But it's not just Qatar. It's all of them - even the Saudis.


but it won't just be them that will be jumping for joy in private if by a miracle Israel does manage to take out Iran's nuclear potential, just like 30 years ago they took out Iraq's at Osirak (and which, that time, resulted in the Iranians jumping for joy, and thankful for Israel).


the Turks and the Egyptians will be just the same. Gleeful in private, but careful to issue the harshest condemnation about the brutal Israelis in public. Can't wait actually. It's going to be funny to watch.



Thats Disgusting words of a Cretin! :gag:


You going to Find all out war amusing! your like those other Disgusting people who thought it was entertainment while hundreds of children were being buried alive in Gaza!


why dont you enlist in the IDF if you cant wait for WAR!




as for Saudi or Qatar! Im glad you find friends among the most Brutal Undemocratic "puppet" regimes in the middle east!



Saudi Arabia who cuts heads off , most oppressive towards women and Religious freedoms! YOU CALL THEM FRIENDS?


Iran for all its ills is still one of the most free middle east nations! were Jews are free to live and worship!


i wonder how many jews live in Saudi Arabia or Qatar?

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Either way, the position is this:


1. Israel does not seek to annihilate any other country.


2. Iran does seek to annihilate Israel. We now have evidence of this, in post #1.




It isnt evidence,who says it isnt made up?Worse things happen you know :)

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