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Wife of Iranian nuke scientist - "His goal was the annihilation of Israel"

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immortal-tec, is that you CXC?


No sorry you got the wrong person here....


this is my first login on THIS forum, shall we say ,


im sure a wide section of society ALSO believes that Israeli Actions are against the very fabric of what makes us Human, this can easily be seen in the number of United Nations Condemnations the nation has got ! all the world expect for the Government of USA thinks IT IS WRONG.



any way , before any one labels me , im a humanist,



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Thats Disgusting words of a Cretin! :gag:


You going to Find all out war amusing! your like those other Disgusting people who thought it was entertainment while hundreds of children were being buried alive in Gaza!


why dont you enlist in the IDF if you cant wait for WAR!




as for Saudi or Qatar! Im glad you find friends among the most Brutal Undemocratic "puppet" regimes in the middle east!



Saudi Arabia who cuts heads off , most oppressive towards women and Religious freedoms! YOU CALL THEM FRIENDS?

Iran for all its ills is still one of the most free middle east nations! were Jews are free to live and worship!


i wonder how many jews live in Saudi Arabia or Qatar?


My Bold=

Cutting heads off, oppressing women and religious freedom is accepted by the west as long as they tow the line, it's only when they fall out of favour that the beheadings and oppression are against human rights etc etc

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Anyone else noticed that the US news outlets are full of the news today that their intelligence agencys don't believe Iran is in the process of making nuclear weapons?




Surprisingly none of the warmongers on here have any comment regarding this bit of info, especially the Zionist ilk. :roll:

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Well, a couple of points.


Why on earth would Israel invade Syria? to save the Syrians? it's not Israel's job to do that.


Secondly, as soon as Israel gets involved - Hezbollah and the 'palestinians' will open up with rocket attacks on Israel. There are literally tens of thousands of rockets pointing at Israel from Lebanon and Gaza.


Not to mention that Syria has enough Russian weaponry to do a lot of damage.


Israel is best out of this completely. Don't take any sides. The only involvement should be humanitarian aid if/when it's all over and the people need food/water etc.


Indeed, many of your points are very valid; Israel will have to 'Dream on' re. offering any help to end Syria's genocidal government.


Many of the 'tens of thousands' of rockets pointed at Israel are home made affairs (Mortar shells really),

cobbled together from unexploded bombs, bits of cardboard tubes, old WW2 shellcases left behind by the shipload by the Brits, Italians, etc. after WW2, and other junk, which would make even the IRA's Mark I mortars look like the thhe cutting edge of technology.

Not to say that such weapons aren't dangerous; its precisely because they are largely home-made affairs that makes them so dangerous; on many occasions innocent israeli adults and children have been killed or maimed by unexploded Hamas mortars which go off when disturbed as much by ones the moment they land...


'Syria has 'enough Russian weaponry' to do a lot of damage'. Again, relatively speaking; even the items of weaponry that the Israelis bought off Russia during Glasnost would dwarf many times over Syria's weaponry many times over, not to mention all the other state--of-the-art systems that Israel has, including cruse missile torpedoes, highly classified drones, and EMP 'Carbon' bombs which can knock out radio communications/electronics over a battle zone. The height of Syria's weaponry sophistication is represented by 70-year-old Russian tanks, some of which were cobbled together out of parts from Nazi Tigers, and field guns which are even older, so old in fact that they were designed to be hauled by horses. That's not to say, however, that big WW1/2 field guns are not formidable... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Big_Bertha_%28howitzer%29


Yes, Israel will NOT be inclined to attack Syria, mainly because there is little strategic interest in doing so, and I myself hope it will not be tempted, any more than it will be tempted to attack Iran, which has far more likelihood of being attacked by a greedy Russia or China (who have NEVER been friends of Iran, and have little interest in its oil).

However, the significance of Israel in the growing 'Vietnam' situation unfolding in Syria should not be underestimate, and there is always a danger that they may be pushed into doing something highly irresponsible...:suspect:

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Well, a couple of points.


Why on earth would Israel invade Syria? to save the Syrians? it's not Israel's job to do that.


Secondly, as soon as Israel gets involved - Hezbollah and the 'palestinians' will open up with rocket attacks on Israel. There are literally tens of thousands of rockets pointing at Israel from Lebanon and Gaza.


Not to mention that Syria has enough Russian weaponry to do a lot of damage.


Israel is best out of this completely. Don't take any sides. The only involvement should be humanitarian aid if/when it's all over and the people need food/water etc.


Indeed, many of your points are very valid; Israel will have to 'Dream on' re. offering any help to end Syria's genocidal government.


Many of the 'tens of thousands' of rockets pointed at Israel are home made affairs (Mortar shells really),

cobbled together from unexploded bombs, bits of cardboard tubes, old WW2 shellcases left behind by the shipload by the Brits, Italians, etc. after WW2, and other junk, which would make even the IRA's Mark I mortars look like the thhe cutting edge of technology.

Not to say that such weapons aren't dangerous; its precisely because they are largely home-made affairs that makes them so dangerous; on many occasions innocent israeli adults and children have been killed or maimed by unexploded Hamas mortars which go off when disturbed as much by ones the moment they land...


'Syria has 'enough Russian weaponry' to do a lot of damage'. Again, relatively speaking; even the items of weaponry that the Israelis bought off Russia during Glasnost would dwarf many times over Syria's weaponry many times over, not to mention all the other state--of-the-art systems that Israel has, including cruse missile torpedoes, highly classified drones, and EMP 'Carbon' bombs which can knock out radio communications/electronics over a battle zone. The height of Syria's weaponry sophistication is represented by 70-year-old Russian tanks, some of which were cobbled together out of parts from Nazi Tigers, and field guns which are even older, so old in fact that they were designed to be hauled by horses. That's not to say, however, that big WW1/2 field guns are not formidable... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Big_Bertha_%28howitzer%29


Yes, Israel will NOT be inclined to attack Syria, mainly because there is little strategic interest in doing so, and I myself hope it will not be tempted, any more than it will be tempted to attack Iran, which has far more likelihood of being attacked by a greedy Russia or China (who have NEVER been friends of Iran, and have little interest in its oil).

However, the significance of Israel in the growing 'Vietnam' situation unfolding in Syria should not be underestimate, and there is always a danger that they may be pushed into doing something highly irresponsible...:suspect:

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Well, a couple of points.


Why on earth would Israel invade Syria? to save the Syrians? it's not Israel's job to do that.


Secondly, as soon as Israel gets involved - Hezbollah and the 'palestinians' will open up with rocket attacks on Israel. There are literally tens of thousands of rockets pointing at Israel from Lebanon and Gaza.


Not to mention that Syria has enough Russian weaponry to do a lot of damage.


Israel is best out of this completely. Don't take any sides. The only involvement should be humanitarian aid if/when it's all over and the people need food/water etc.


Indeed, many of your points are very valid; Israel will have to 'Dream on' re. offering any help to end Syria's genocidal government.


Many of the 'tens of thousands' of rockets pointed at Israel are home made affairs (Mortar shells really),

cobbled together from unexploded bombs, bits of cardboard tubes, old WW2 shellcases left behind by the shipload by the Brits, Italians, etc. after WW2, and other junk, which would make even the IRA's Mark I mortars look like the thhe cutting edge of technology.

Not to say that such weapons aren't dangerous; its precisely because they are largely home-made affairs that makes them so dangerous; on many occasions innocent israeli adults and children have been killed or maimed by unexploded Hamas mortars which go off when disturbed as much by ones the moment they land...


'Syria has 'enough Russian weaponry' to do a lot of damage'. Again, relatively speaking; even the items of weaponry that the Israelis bought off Russia during Glasnost would dwarf many times over Syria's weaponry many times over, not to mention all the other state--of-the-art systems that Israel has, including cruse missile torpedoes, highly classified drones, and EMP 'Carbon' bombs which can knock out radio communications/electronics over a battle zone. The height of Syria's weaponry sophistication is represented by 70-year-old Russian tanks, some of which were cobbled together out of parts from Nazi Tigers, and field guns which are even older, so old in fact that they were designed to be hauled by horses. That's not to say, however, that big WW1/2 field guns are not formidable... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Big_Bertha_%28howitzer%29


Yes, Israel will NOT be inclined to attack Syria, mainly because there is little strategic interest in doing so, and I myself hope it will not be tempted, any more than it will be tempted to attack Iran, which has far more likelihood of being attacked by a greedy Russia or China (who have NEVER been friends of Iran, and have little interest in its oil).

However, the significance of Israel in the growing 'Vietnam' situation unfolding in Syria should not be underestimate, and there is always a danger that they may be pushed into doing something highly irresponsible...:suspect:

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'Syria has 'enough Russian weaponry' to do a lot of damage'. Again, relatively speaking; even the items of weaponry that the Israelis bought off Russia during Glasnost would dwarf many times over Syria's weaponry many times over, not to mention all the other state--of-the-art systems that Israel has, including cruse missile torpedoes, highly classified drones, and EMP 'Carbon' bombs which can knock out radio communications/electronics over a battle zone. The height of Syria's weaponry sophistication is represented by 70-year-old Russian tanks, some of which were cobbled together out of parts from Nazi Tigers, and field guns which are even older, so old in fact that they were designed to be hauled by horses. That's not to say, however, that big WW1/2 field guns are not formidable... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Big_Bertha_%28howitzer%29


Tyranna, What on god's good earth are you smoking?!


Israel has NEVER bought large quantities of arms for Russia, and certainly NOT in quantities that would ever come close to the tiniest fraction of what Russia has supplied Syria. I can't frankly think of ANY arms they've EVER bought from Russia. The height of Syrian weaponry sophistication is also most definitely NOT 1942 Soviet tanks. I can't even begin to explain how utterly non-sensical "cobbled together out of parts from Nazi Tigers" is. There's no such thing as a "cruise missile torpedo". You surely aren't suggesting that the Syrians have got Big Bertha's?!


If you must post on this subject please at the very least do a miniscule amount of research into the subject - even Wikipedia is several orders of magnitude more accurate than your posting.

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