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Relationship advice please

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Clearly an error was made by putting EX. Maybe people can advise rather than pull up on errors hey!



I think people are giving valid advice.

A Freudian slip can speak volumes. Maybe subconsciously she put it in to influence the responders advice towards what she knows she needs to hear.

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I think it has a special dispensation for the pet forum.


To the OP, if you are still referring to your ex as your ex, then that kind of speaks volumes. I think you have to work out why you want to marry him and why you would still refer to him as your ex. Is it that you subconsciously think of him as a temporary part of your life?

If you do, then do the both of you a favour and cut him loose.


If you marry him, then start seeing the other guy, beleive me, he wont thank you for it...

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Don't do it if you have any second thoughts, I regret getting married so young.

I was 25 I am 28 now, but me and my other half had been together for almost 10 yr.


And when we booked it I never had a doubt, then something happened before wedding.

Between me and my husband to be and I had a slight doubt then.

I ignore it though and pushed on and we got married.

The last few year I felt my world fall apart, and things that happened not just because of my husband. Also things that others have done, has made me realised I should of listened to them doubts.


My husband knows this, I have been completely honest with him.

Marriage is far from easy it is hard work and a life time thing well should be .

A lot of people now get divorced quicker then they get married.

It takes patients, and a hell of a lot of listening and talking.


I am not saying it is all bad it can have it's good sides.

Like I said though you need to be sure, because few year in to my marriage and we nearly ended up getting divorced.



And over last year we have undergone marriage councilling, as like I said I believe people should try every option before heading for divorce.

It has been the hardest period of my life, I just wish I had been a bit wiser. :)


Good luck and wish you every happiness in what ever decision you make. A decision only you can make, I hope it really works out. :)

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This is a tough one! I'd say go with your feelings, but if it all goes tit's up, you're doomed either way...


You have 2 path's, choose one and accept what may happen at the end of it. Don't look back and regret you didn't take the right one if it fails, Move on and realise it happend for a reason.



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